

Cisco C4000 series swithc IOS 8.2(1)GLX error message unknow

匿名 2010-04-29 11:41:597501 瀏覽
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%SYS-4-P2_WARN: 1/Filtering MAC address 00-00-00-00-00-00 on port from host table
雖然有看 cisco troubleshooting 但仍是不太懂...

cklin iT邦新手 2 級 ‧ 2010-05-05 09:05:06 檢舉
Cisco Error Message Decoder網站

Cisco Error Message Decoder網站 登入可以先用一般使用者權限先試試看
我用的帳號是很久以前(超過10年)公司有使用到Cisco 設備,SI廠商向Cisco申請的客戶序號後,再以這個客戶序號申請的個人帳號。

當然,如果有辦法考到CCIE,登入後看到的東西是不一樣的,甚至可以找到IOS image檔案

另外一個方法是既然都有 C4000 這一款設備了,應該不會沒簽維護合約吧,直接找維護的SI廠商幫忙處理這個異常的訊息。
匿名 檢舉
CCIE以下等級申請只是 guest

1 個回答

iT邦新手 2 級 ‧ 2010-04-30 10:16:04

請登入Cisco Error Message Decoder網站

將錯誤代碼%SYS-4-P2_WARN 輸入


  1. %SYS-4-P2_WARN: 1/Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero Problem
    The switch is generating Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero messages. This is an example of the syslog output that you see when this error occurs: %SYS-4-P2_WARN: 1/Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero from agent host table interface %SYS-4-P2_WARN: 1/Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero from agent host table interface The Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero syslog message is generated when the switch receives packets with a source MAC address of 00-00-00-00-00-00, which is an invalid source MAC. The syslog message indicates that the switch refuses to learn the invalid address. However, the switch forwards traffic sourced from an all-zeros MAC address.

Recommended Action: The workaround is to try to identify the end station that is generating frames with an all-zeros source MAC address. Typically, such frames are transmitted from a traffic generator (for example, Spirent SmartBits), certain types of servers (such as load-balancing IBM WebSphere servers), a misconfigured router or end station (for example, a device transmitting all-zeros broadcasts), or a faulty NIC.

Related documents-

Understanding and Troubleshooting HSRP Problems in Catalyst Switch Networks

Common CatOS Error Messages on Catalyst 4500/4000 Series Switches

Understanding and Troubleshooting Astro/Lemans/NiceR Timeouts on Catalyst 4000/4500 Series Switches

Common CatOS Error Messages on Catalyst 6500/6000 Series Switches

看 Recommended Action 建議採取的行動 這部份就好,大意是需要找到MAC全部為0的這一個設備(可能是load-balancing IBM WebSphere servers,或是設定錯誤的Router)把他排除掉就可以解決。

