小弟有 2 台電腦 PC1&PC2 使用 KVM 共用鍵盤、滑鼠及螢幕。詳細環境說明如下:
PC1 是 Win7,PC2 是 WinXP
使用 WinFast PX8400GS 顯示卡(D-Sub 及 DVI 輸出)
PC1 有接雙螢幕,分別是 LCD-1(接DVI) 及 LCD-2(接D-SUB)
PC2 透過 KVM 共用 LCD-2 的螢幕
小弟是想請教,當我把 KVM 由 PC2 切換回 PC1 時,Win7 會認為沒有螢幕接在電腦上,因此會自動取消雙螢幕的功能(解析度也會跑掉),我必須在裝置管理員中『掃描硬體變更』讓 Win7 知道有螢幕接上來;而雙螢幕功能(含解析度)也會回到正常設定。
原先我兩台都是 WinXP 就不會發生這種問題,但是我把 PC1 升級成 Win7 之後,就發生這個問題了!不知道是否有辦法不要讓 Win7 自動偵測螢幕呢?
It was caused by your KVM switch. Because, Windows 7 new "device stage" will check all the connected devices all the time (including display monitor, speaker, keyboard and mouse...etc) and keep communicate with them. For the display resolution shifting issue, you
need to have a KVM switch which support "FULL-Time" active EDID/DDC communication or if you don't want to change the KVM switch, you need an EDID Emulator connected between your Windows 7 system and the old KVM switch.
In Taiwan, you can find June-On 均昂科技. They have both solutions and is the leading provider for Windows 7 KVM and extending solutions
請問一下KVM是電子式還是傳統切換器? 我是win7使用電子式KVM是不會有版大的情況,
故猜測版大是使用傳統式KVM 切換到PC2時,PC1是猙測不到螢幕所以才會如此的情況?