Declare @物品 varchar(20)
declare @最早進貨日期 DATETIME
declare @目前庫存量 int
declare @本次進貨庫 int
declare cur_stock scroll cursor for
select 物品,存貨量
from table1
open cur_stock
fetch next from cur_stock into @物品,@目前庫存量
while ( @@fetch_status<>-1 )
declare cur_in scroll cursor for
select 進貨日期,進貨量
from table2
where 物品=@物品
order 進貨日期 desc
open cur_in
fetch next from cur_in into @最早進貨日期,@本次進貨庫
while ( @@fetch_status<>-1 AND @目前庫存量 > 0 )
select @目前庫存量 = @目前庫存量 - @本次進貨庫
if @目前庫存量 > 0
fetch next from cur_in into @最早進貨日期,@本次進貨庫
close cur_in
UPDATE table1 SET 最早進貨日期 = @最早進貨日期 where 物品=@物品
fetch next from cur_stock into @料號,@目前庫存量
Declare @物品 varchar(20) **-- 設定變數, T-SQL的變數一定要@開頭**
declare @最早進貨日期 DATETIME
declare @目前庫存量 int
declare @本次進貨庫 int
declare cur_stock scroll cursor for
select 物品,存貨量
from table1 **-- 讀取 table1 的物品及存貨量到cur_stcok這record point中)**
open cur_stock **-- 開啟record point**
fetch next from cur_stock into @物品,@目前庫存量 **-- 將record point中的資料放到變數中.(必須與 select 出來的欄位數量相同,資料格式相符)**
while ( @@fetch_status<>-1 ) **-- 設定while迴圈 , @@fetch_status(T-SQL內定系統變數) = -1時,代表為EOF.**
begin **--(T-SQL中一個判斷結果要包多行指令時,要用 BEGIN ... END包起來)**
declare cur_in scroll cursor for
select 進貨日期,進貨量
from table2
where 物品=@物品
order 進貨日期 desc **-- 開TABLE2的RECORD POINT , 依進貨日期由大到小排(很重要,不然會捉錯日期)**
open cur_in
fetch next from cur_in into @最早進貨日期,@本次進貨庫
while ( @@fetch_status<>-1 AND @目前庫存量 > 0 ) **-- 多一個判斷:目前庫存量要大0 才繼續跑迴圈**
select @目前庫存量 = @目前庫存量 - @本次進貨庫 **--T-SQL的運算方式.**
if @目前庫存量 > 0 **-- @目前庫存量要大於0才讀下一筆資料.因為只有一行敍述式,所以不必用BEGIN..END包**
fetch next from cur_in into @最早進貨日期,@本次進貨庫
close cur_in **-- 關閉RECORD POINT,很重要,不然出錯,也可以移到下一行的END 之下.ELSE那行就可以不用**
UPDATE table1 SET 最早進貨日期 = @最早進貨日期 where 物品=@物品 **-- 將最早近貨日期 UPDATE 回TABLE1**
fetch next from cur_stock into @料號,@目前庫存量 **--讀下一筆資料.並返回到第一層迴圈**
若依照你的說法,ITEM A的最早進貨日應該為2016/11/27,而ITEM B的最早進貨日應該為2016/11/21,因為依照先進先出,只要最後進貨的數量加總>=你的現有庫存,那就是你的最早進貨日? 不是嗎?
我是使用 PostgreSQL, 以Window Functions 搭配CTE.
MS SQL Server 也是有同等的語法與相關函數,小地方可自行微調.
考慮到一般對Window Functions 應用較不熟悉,故將過程拆分,
一段一段展現過程與執行結果,邏輯判斷部分使用 case 方式,
符合ANSI SQL,不用特殊函數.最終會有兩種方式,兩種只是在
以下是Table建立,輸入資料以及推演過程之SQL Command.
create table ithelp170206a (
item char(1) not null
, stock int not null
insert into ithelp170206a values
('A', 300),
('B', 250);
create table ithelp170206b (
item char(1) not null
, idate date not null
, qty int not null
insert into ithelp170206b values
('A', '2016-10-11'::date, 70),
('A', '2016-11-13'::date, 200),
('A', '2016-11-27'::date, 250),
('A', '2016-12-30'::date, 50),
('B', '2016-11-11'::date, 30),
('B', '2016-11-21'::date, 100),
('B', '2016-12-23'::date, 210);
with revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
select *
from revruntot;
item | idate | qty | runt
A | 2016-12-30 | 50 | 50
A | 2016-11-27 | 250 | 300
A | 2016-11-13 | 200 | 500
A | 2016-10-11 | 70 | 570
B | 2016-12-23 | 210 | 210
B | 2016-11-21 | 100 | 310
B | 2016-11-11 | 30 | 340
(7 筆資料列)
with revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
select r.*
, a.stock
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
order by r.item, r.idate desc;
item | idate | qty | runt | stock
A | 2016-12-30 | 50 | 50 | 300
A | 2016-11-27 | 250 | 300 | 300 runt >= stock start
A | 2016-11-13 | 200 | 500 | 300 <-- want
A | 2016-10-11 | 70 | 570 | 300
B | 2016-12-23 | 210 | 210 | 250
B | 2016-11-21 | 100 | 310 | 250 runt >= stock start
B | 2016-11-11 | 30 | 340 | 250 <-- want
(7 筆資料列)
revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
stat as (
select r.*
, case
when (r.runt - a.stock) >= 0 then true
else false
end as stat
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
select *
, lag(stat) over(partition by item)
from stat;
item | idate | qty | runt | stat | lag
A | 2016-12-30 | 50 | 50 | f | [null]
A | 2016-11-27 | 250 | 300 | t | f
A | 2016-11-13 | 200 | 500 | t | t
A | 2016-10-11 | 70 | 570 | t | t
B | 2016-12-23 | 210 | 210 | f | [null]
B | 2016-11-21 | 100 | 310 | t | f
B | 2016-11-11 | 30 | 340 | t | t
(7 筆資料列)
revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
stat as (
select r.*
, case
when (r.runt - a.stock) >= 0 then true
else false
end as stat
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
lagstat as (
select *
, lag(stat) over(partition by item)
from stat
select item
, idate
from lagstat
where stat = True
and lag = True;
item | idate
A | 2016-11-13
A | 2016-10-11
B | 2016-11-11
(3 筆資料列)
revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
stat as (
select r.*
, case
when (r.runt - a.stock) >= 0 then true
else false
end as stat
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
lagstat as (
select *
, lag(stat) over(partition by item)
from stat
samtru as (
select item
, idate
from lagstat
where stat = True
and lag = True
select item
, first_value(idate) over(partition by item order by idate desc)
from samtru;
item | first_value
A | 2016-11-13
A | 2016-11-13
B | 2016-11-11
(3 筆資料列)
revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
stat as (
select r.*
, case
when (r.runt - a.stock) >= 0 then true
else false
end as stat
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
lagstat as (
select *
, lag(stat) over(partition by item)
from stat
samtru as (
select item
, idate
from lagstat
where stat = True
and lag = True
first_val as (
select item
, first_value(idate) over(partition by item order by idate desc)
from samtru
select item
, first_value as earlydate
from first_val
group by item, first_value
order by item;
item | earlydate
A | 2016-11-13
B | 2016-11-11
(2 筆資料列)
時間: 0.852 ms
method 2
revruntot as (
select *
, sum(qty) over(partition by item order by idate desc) as runt
from ithelp170206b
stat as (
select r.*
, case
when (r.runt - a.stock) >= 0 then true
else false
end as stat
from revruntot r
join ithelp170206a a
using (item)
lagstat as (
select *
, lag(stat) over(partition by item)
from stat
samtru as (
select item
, idate
from lagstat
where stat = True
and lag = True
select item
, max(idate) as earlydate
from samtru
group by item
order by item;
item | earlydate
A | 2016-11-13
B | 2016-11-11
(2 筆資料列)
時間: 0.690 ms