

gitbook serve 產生的 Segmentation fault: 11 錯誤?

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想問問近期有遇過 Segmentation fault: 11 錯誤的大大

當我 gitbook 在 serve 時

不定時地會出現 Segmentation fault: 11 錯誤

x @ documentation $ gitbook serve
Live reload server started on port: 35729
Press CTRL+C to quit ...

info: 7 plugins are installed 
info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK 
info: loading plugin "highlight"... OK 
info: loading plugin "search"... OK 
info: loading plugin "lunr"... OK 
info: loading plugin "sharing"... OK 
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK 
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK 
info: found 36 pages 
info: found 1 asset files 
info: >> generation finished with success in 4.3s ! 

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000
Stopping server
Segmentation fault: 11

然後我就要重新下 serve 指令

又或是檔案保存時「有時候」不會自己重 serve 的問題


x @ gitbook $ node -v
x @ gitbook $ npm -v
x @ gitbook $ gitbook -V
CLI version: 2.3.2
GitBook version: 3.2.3

2 個回答

iT邦超人 5 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 16:26:50

把 log 秀出來



火爆浪子 iT邦研究生 1 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 16:32:55 檢舉
debug: calling hook "config" 
debug: calling hook "init" 
debug: copy assets from theme /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-default/_assets/website 
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-fontsettings/assets 
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-sharing/assets 
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-lunr/assets 
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-search/assets 
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/x/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-highlight/css 
debug: copy asset "css/body.css" 
debug: generate page "" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page 
debug: generate page "" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page 
debug: generate page "ums/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ums/ 
debug: generate page "ums/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ums/steps/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "mms/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/steps/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "mms/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/steps/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "mms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page mms/ 
debug: generate page "tms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/ 
debug: generate page "tms/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/steps/ 
debug: generate page "tms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/ 
debug: generate page "tms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/ 
debug: generate page "tms/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/steps/ 
debug: generate page "tms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/ 
debug: generate page "tms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page tms/ 
debug: generate page "pms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page pms/ 
debug: generate page "hms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page hms/ 
debug: generate page "ups/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/ 
debug: generate page "ups/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/steps/ 
debug: generate page "ups/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/steps/ 
debug: generate page "ups/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/steps/ 
debug: generate page "ups/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/ 
debug: generate page "ups/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/ 
debug: generate page "ups/steps/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page ups/steps/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sys/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sys/ 
debug: generate page "sms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sms/ 
debug: generate page "sms/" 
debug: calling hook "page:before" 
debug: calling hook "page" 
debug: index page sms/ 
debug: calling hook "finish:before" 
debug: calling hook "finish" 
debug: write search index 
info: >> generation finished with success in 7.4s ! 
火爆浪子 iT邦研究生 1 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 16:43:30 檢舉


Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000
(node:36273) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated
dragonH iT邦超人 5 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 17:04:03 檢舉


呃.. . 貼發生錯誤時的訊息才有幫助

那個只是 warning 而已

火爆浪子 iT邦研究生 1 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 17:07:02 檢舉

呃 .. 錯誤時的訊息只有這個 Segmentation fault: 11

dragonH iT邦超人 5 級 ‧ 2020-07-24 17:20:09 檢舉


debug mode 底下也是嘛 ?





