請問 vba 中 ThisWorkbook.Path
若將檔案存放的位置會有onedrive 同步
使用ThisWorkbook.Path 都會得到 https://~~~~~my-sharepoint ~~/
請問有什麼方法 將檔案放在 onddrive資料夾也可得到真實位置?
C:\Users\User\OneDrive ~~~
不確定還能不能 work
'reads the value for the registry key i_RegKey
'if the key cannot be found, the return value is ""
Function RegKeyRead(i_RegKey As String) As String
Dim myWS As Object
On Error Resume Next
'access Windows scripting
Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'read key from registry
RegKeyRead = myWS.RegRead(i_RegKey)
End Function
' This is needed to get the local path, not the one drive path
Private Function GetDocLocalPath(docPath As String) As String
'return the local path for doc, which is either already a local document or a document on OneDrive
Const strcOneDrivePart As String = "https://d.docs.live.net/"
Dim strRetVal As String, bytSlashPos As Byte
strRetVal = docPath & "\"
If Left(LCase(docPath), Len(strcOneDrivePart)) = strcOneDrivePart Then 'yep, it's the OneDrive path
'locate and remove the "remote part"
bytSlashPos = InStr(Len(strcOneDrivePart) + 1, strRetVal, "/")
strRetVal = Mid(docPath, bytSlashPos)
'read the "local part" from the registry and concatenate
strRetVal = RegKeyRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment\OneDrive") & strRetVal
strRetVal = Replace(strRetVal, "/", "\") 'slashes in the right direction
strRetVal = Replace(strRetVal, "%20", " ") 'a space is a space once more
End If
GetDocLocalPath = strRetVal
End Function
右鍵OneDrive icon-->設定-->Office 關閉"使用Office應用程式同步我開啟的Office檔案"