測試檔 https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Glq5UymFP_yDQvzu5Chdl6FCgQQHtCa/view?usp=sharing
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' T : TEST
Dim T_SheetName As String
Dim T_X_Start As Integer
Dim T_X_Min As Integer
Dim T_X_Max As Integer
Dim T_YM As String
Dim T_Y_Start As Integer
Dim T_Y_Min As Integer
Dim T_Y_Max As Integer
' S : 註解
Dim S_Y_Start As Integer
Dim S_Y_Min As Integer
Dim S_Y_Max As Integer
Dim U As Integer
Dim M As Integer
Dim P As Integer
T_SheetName = "TEST"
T_X_Start = 2
T_X_Min = T_X_Start + 1
T_X_Max = T_X_Start + 30 * 2 + 1
' 取出 T_SheetName 的年月 2021/06
T_YM = Left(Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(2, T_X_Start + 1), 7)
T_Y_Start = 3
T_Y_Min = T_Y_Start + 1
T_Y_Max = Worksheets(T_SheetName).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
S_Y_Start = 2
S_Y_Min = S_Y_Start + 1
S_Y_Max = Worksheets("註解").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
' 清除 T_SheetName 日期欄位儲存格顏色及註解
For P = T_X_Min To T_X_Max
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(2, P).Interior.Color = xlNone
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(2, P).ClearComments
Next P
' 清除 T_SheetName 業績欄位儲存格顏色及註解
For M = T_Y_Min To T_Y_Max
For P = T_X_Min + 1 To T_X_Max + 1 Step 2
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(M, P).Interior.Color = xlNone
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(M, P).ClearComments
Next P
Next M
For U = S_Y_Min To S_Y_Max
If (Sheets("註解").Cells(U, 2) = "全店") Then
' 開始日期 (U, 3)
InsertMark T_SheetName, 2, 3, T_YM, T_X_Min, T_X_Max, U
' 結束日期 (U, 4)
InsertMark T_SheetName, 2, 4, T_YM, T_X_Min, T_X_Max, U
For M = T_Y_Min To T_Y_Max
If (Sheets("註解").Cells(U, 2) = Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(M, 2)) Then
' 開始日期 (U, 3)
InsertMark T_SheetName, M, 3, T_YM, T_X_Min, T_X_Max, U
' 結束日期 (U, 4)
InsertMark T_SheetName, M, 4, T_YM, T_X_Min, T_X_Max, U
Exit For
End If
Next M
End If
Next U
End Sub
Sub InsertMark(T_SheetName As String, RowNum As Integer, FieldNum As Integer, T_YM As String, T_X_Min As Integer, T_X_Max As Integer, U As Integer)
Dim K As Integer
Dim G As Integer
Dim StringInsert As String
Dim MarkOld As String
' 相同年月才比對
If (T_YM = Left(Sheets("註解").Cells(U, FieldNum), 7)) Then
For K = T_X_Min To T_X_Max
If (Sheets("註解").Cells(U, FieldNum) = Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(2, K)) Then
If (RowNum <> 2) Then
' 儲存格無合併
G = K + 1
G = K
End If
If Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Comment Is Nothing Then
MarkOld = ""
MarkOld = Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Comment.Text
End If
' 刪除註解
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).ClearComments
' 儲存格填顏色
If FieldNum = 3 Then
' 開始日期:淡黃色
If (Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = 16777215) Or (Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)) Then
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255)
End If
' 寫入註解'
StringInsert = "開始 : " & Sheets("註解").Cells(U, 5) & vbCrLf & MarkOld
' 結束日期:淡藍色
If (Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = 16777215) Or (Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)) Then
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255)
End If
' 寫入註解'
StringInsert = "結束 : " & Sheets("註解").Cells(U, 5) & vbCrLf & MarkOld
End If
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).AddComment StringInsert
Sheets(T_SheetName).Cells(RowNum, G).Comment.Visible = True
Exit For
End If
Next K
End If
End Sub
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Sub cellAddComment(ByVal pR As Integer, ByVal pC As Integer, ByVal pComment As String)
On Error Resume Next
Sheets("TEST").Cells(pR, pC).AddComment
'Cells(nR, nC).Comment.Visible = False
Sheets("TEST").Cells(pR, pC).Comment.Text Text:=pComment
End Sub
Function findRow(ByVal pSearch As String) As Integer
On Error GoTo NotFound
Sheets("TEST").Cells.Find(What:=pSearch, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Debug.Print "Found " & pSearch & " " & ActiveCell.Row
findRow = ActiveCell.Row
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Not Found " & pSearch & " " & ActiveCell.Row
findRow = 0
End Function
Sub findCellAndAddComment(ByVal pStore As String, ByVal pDate As String, ByVal pComment As String)
nR = findRow(pStore)
nC = findColumn(pDate)
If (nR * nC) > 0 Then
If pStore = "日期" Then
nC = findColumn(pDate) + 1
End If
Call cellAddComment(nR, nC, pComment)
End If
End Sub
Function findColumn(ByVal pSearch As String) As Integer
On Error GoTo NotFound
Sheets("TEST").Cells.Find(What:=pSearch, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Debug.Print "Found " & pSearch & " " & ActiveCell.Column
findColumn = ActiveCell.Column
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Not Found " & pSearch & " " & ActiveCell.Column
findColumn = 0
End Function
Sub MainLoop()
nRow = 3
Do While Sheets("註解").Cells(nRow, 2) <> ""
sComment = Sheets("註解").Cells(nRow, 5)
sStore = Sheets("註解").Cells(nRow, 2)
If sStore = "全店" Then sStore = "日期"
Debug.Print "---- " & sComment
sDate = Format(Sheets("註解").Cells(nRow, 3), "m/d")
Call findCellAndAddComment(sStore, sDate, sComment)
sDate = Format(Sheets("註解").Cells(nRow, 4), "m/d")
Call findCellAndAddComment(sStore, sDate, sComment)
nRow = nRow + 1
End Sub