大家好,我是Python新手,正嘗試做一個tic tac toe遊戲,但我在步驟4有點卡住了,不知道part4這個take turn跟get available square該如何撰寫!謝謝!
class TicTacToeSim:
# Part 1
def __init__(self):
#Initialize the simulation
# Set up board as a 2D list, turn to player 1, and ai to false
self.board = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
self.AI = False
self.turn = 1,2
while self.AI == True:
self.turn = 1
self.AIturn = 1,2
def change_turn(self):
# Change turn to other player
while self.AI == False: #not play with AI
if self.turn == 1:
self.turn = 2
if self.turn ==2:
self.turn = 1
while self.AI == True: #play with AI
self.turn = 1
self.AIturn = 2
def play_game(self):
# This is the driver method for the simulation
#Display initial board
# Part 2
def print_board(self):
# Print the state of the board using X (player 1) and O (player 2)
self.item = [' ', 'X', 'O'] # O X empty can put in the []
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
if j < 2:
print(self.item[self.board[i][j]], ' | ', end="", flush=True)
print(self.item[self.board[i][j]], end="", flush=True)
return 0
# Part 3
def get_move(self):
# Get input from user asking for their move as a tuple
self.row = int(input("Please enter the row(1-3) you want to move:"))
self.col = int(input("Please enter the col(1-3) you want to move:"))
self.move = (self.row,self.col)
return (self.move)
# Part 4
def take_turn(self, player):
#This is the driver method for a players turn
player = {'X':[],'O':[]}
self.valid_move = False
while self.valid_move == True:
self.valid_move = self.move
self.board[self.row][self.col] = player
self.valid_move = True
def get_available_squares(self):
# Get a list of available squares as tuples (row,col)
return None
def make_move(self, move, player):
# Part 5
def check_winner(self):
# Check if a player has won, there are 8 ways to win.
# Return the player who won 0 if nobody has won, and -1 if it is a draw
if self.board[0] == self.board[1] == self.board[2] !=" ": #row winner
return 0
elif self.board[3] == self.board[4] == self.board[5] !=" ":
return 0
elif self.board[6] == self.board[7] == self.board[8] !=" ":
return 0
elif self.board[0] == self.board[3] == self.board[6] !=" ": #col winner
return 0
elif self.board[1] == self.board[4] == self.board[7] !=" ":
return 0
elif self.board[2] == self.board[5] == self.board[8] !=" ":
return 0
elif self.board[0] == self.board[4] == self.board[8] !=" ": #diagonals winner
return 0
elif self.board[2] == self.board[4] == self.board[6] !=" ":
return 0
# Part 6
def random_move(self):
# Choose a random move from available moves
return None
# Part 7
def winning_move(self, player):
# Find a winning move for a player
return None
def threat_to_lose(self):
# Run winning_move from other perspective
def smart_move(self):
# If there is a winning move, win
# If there is a threat to lose, block
# Make random move
sim = TicTacToeSim()
take turn
可以仿照 check_winner 的寫法
回傳 self.board 裡所有「可以下的位置」(註)
因為你在 check_winner 裡用空白
而在 init 裡又設初值為 0
這表示「一步都不用下,一呼叫 check_winner 遊戲就會結束」