啟動xampp上的MySQL時會跑出錯誤訊息Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly根據網路上的做法taskkill /f /pid 13352 強制停止3306 順利解決,但是之後發現MySQL Workbench無法連接伺服器,錯誤訊息如下
我剛剛試了這個方法,發現Use SSL那裡並沒有No這個選項,只有Require
Require and Verify CA
Require and Verify Identity
嘗試在Advanced設定useSSL = 0 ,結果出現無法連接localhost錯誤訊息
重新開機莫名就能連線了@@ 感謝Gary幫忙,謝謝!!!
Instead of downgrading you can also edit the file that stores the connection details with a different editor. This works for at least 8.0.27.
Open /home/.mysql/workbench/connections.xml.
Set the value to 0 for the following for each connection you want to use without SSL:<value type="int" key="useSSL">0</value>
Note that you'd have to repeat the steps if you edit the connection with the workbench again afterwards.