目前我的資料是 同一組data ,會有多個不同的value ,
如果直接用group by , 只會保留其中一筆value
(出現了2次以上要怎麽處理呢(我需要要顯示 number1,number2,number3.....)?
with com as ( Select
'A' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'B' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'E' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'G' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'C' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'D' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'F' Id, '2' data union all
com2 as ( Select A.id Aid, B.id Bid, B.data From com A Inner Join com B On A.data = B.data And A.Id <> B.Id )
Select data, min(Aid) number1, max(Bid) number2 From com2 Group by data
上面的sql 我用了Min,max 會漏掉資料(出現了3資料,沒有計算),所以是錯的
SQL 2022
with com as (
Select 'A' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'B' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'E' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'G' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'C' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'D' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'F' Id, '2' data
select data,STRING_AGG (Id,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY data,Id) as Id_All
from com
group by data
SQL 2014
with com as (
Select 'A' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'B' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'E' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'G' Id, '1' data union all
Select 'C' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'D' Id, '2' data union all
Select 'F' Id, '2' data
select data,left(Id_All,len(Id_All)-1) as Id_All
from (
SELECT distinct X.data,(SELECT cast(M.Id AS NVARCHAR ) + ',' from com as M
where M.data = X.data
FOR XML PATH('')) as Id_All
from com as X
) as G
order by data
有SQL的問題就來問 rogeryao 大菩薩就是了 ^0^ 雖不能至,然心鄉往之 感恩感恩 讚歎讚歎 南無阿彌陀佛