上週講了七天的RPA,如果想要踏入RPA領域真的值得嗎? 根據PEW Research center 2014年研究指出現今的工作型態在2025年會有超過50%...
7: SQL Parser 2018/10/22 It's recommended to read on Gitbook Until now, Stella...
突然開始英文模式是因為前幾天都在外面沒有電腦,手機開不了鐵人賽...只好跟歪國人借筆電 While RPA can be used to digitize re...
6: Client/Server Communication Implementation(2) 2018/10/21 It's recommened to...
Every configurations must has some unusual things, like there is always a plan B...
5: Introduce to RDBMS and SQL 2018/10/20 It's recommended to read the article o...
4: Client/Server Communication Implementation(1) 2018/10/19 Before today's artic...
3: Frontend/Backend Protocol 2018/10/18 It's recommended to read on Gitbook for...
數位轉型的方法有很多,並不是所以都適用於RPA,在導入之前,會建議先進行一個詳細的企業流程自動化評估 Process Automation Assessment...
昨天提到說台灣做RPA的還很少,如果有興趣會先用PoC (Proof of Concept) 試試水溫,驗證技術可行性。先前有聽中國的同事說搭上AI全盛風氣,對...