隨手分享今年度學習到的內容 可能會有mac的app分享 golang 技術分享 未來也會更新第一天的目錄,讓大家可以一口氣看完有什麼有興趣的項目類型的
希望能藉由此文讓各位想入坑生成式AI的人可以了解其基礎知識,本系列文會著重介紹生成對抗網路 (Generative Adversarial Network, GAN),並藉由實際操作更了解GAN的原理以及分析訓練過程。在最後也會帶領各位實作當今較火紅的擴散模型。
"Oh, my young apprentice, ye shall move. Ye shall move! From on-premises to that cloud! Ye must be..." The broken words were said by our master who had inherited from our true mentor a long time ago. Now, I shall follow the path.
就跟題目一樣啦,你累的話來點 Cloud Native 吧, 為你打氣加油,一起努力。