Welcome to Lifehacker, an award-winning, daily blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you get things done smarter and more efficiently. Lifehacker launched in January 2005, and now ranks as one of the top-linked blogs on the internet according to Technorati. In 2006 Wired Magazine named Lifehacker Best Blog in their annual Rave Awards ceremony. Lifehacker's also been mentioned in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, O, The Oprah Magazine and PC Magazine as well as other mainstream press outlets.
歡迎光臨Lifehacker, 以要訣、捷徑, 和下載為特色幫助您更加高效率地得到事做的更加聰明和的一得獎, 每日blog 。Lifehacker 創辦於2005 年1月, 和現在等級作為上面連接的blogs 的當中一個在網際網路根據 Technorati。在2006 架線了雜誌 命名的Lifehacker Best Blog 在他們的每年吹捧頒獎儀式。Lifehacker 的並且被提及在 紐約時代週刊、 華爾街時報、 O 、Oprah 雜誌 和 個人電腦雜誌裡 並且其它主流新聞出口
也許你讀過幾則他們的文章後 就了解
我是中文打太慢 要不然我會多做介紹
試試 yahoo and google translate ...