提供一個將Windows Mobile/Pocket Pc換成類似iphone介面的程式.
有youtube video可以看Demo畫面
<object height="355" width="425"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/hAsbVrx4TCM&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed height="355" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hAsbVrx4TCM&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>
Please don't get upset if I change something on each release, or that it is hard to modify. I know all this, and it is in everyones interest to make iTask work smoothly in every way, before making a good settingsprogram. If not, the settingsprogram would need changes every time I modified something in iTask, and that would slow down the whole development progress.
This is a development-in- progress app. This means you can use the beta, before the final release, and I get some feedback on bugs. Thankfully some in the community has taken a keen interest in sharing feedback, and therefor iTask Betas are still coming pretty often.
I know it's hard for some people to edit the input.txt and I hope someone with programming knowledge will be up for the task of creating a settingsprogram for iTask when I come to 1.0. I do not know much programming, only Flash.
Thanks, Rhov23
Mobiano Themes Box 是換桌面及配色等, 就像Windows佈景主題一樣, 但上面的程式排列完全不變.
iTask則是將整個顯示介面換掉, 取代原本Mobile系列設定的Today畫面, 也內含許多原本沒有的程式, 完全以觸控的方式來操作.
現在PDA Phone愈做愈小, 功能也比以前好, 或許下一支手機就可以考慮換成PDA Phone.
(我個人已經敗了一支ASUS P750)