活動快報!天新資訊 Salesforce.com CRM SFA 業務自動化 實機體驗 - 0910
salesforce.com SFA, Sales Force Automation
Comprehensive On-Demand SFA
* Point-and-click customization for SFA that fits the way you sell
* Real-time analytics empower your business to make better decisions
* Instant global deployment for offline and online use
* Award-winning ease of use results in widespread adoption
從 salesforce.com 的產品資訊中可以看出,SFA 這一套產品涵蓋的層面相當廣,針對業務管理這一塊提供了相當完整的功能,還有一些相當貼心的設計如 email template,而針對行動業務方面也有完整的支援,甚至於整合 Google Maps提供更完整得區位分析資訊
* 銷售管理(Sales Management)
* 商機管理(Lead Management)
* 機會管理(Opportunity Management)
* 客戶管理(Account and Contact Management)
* 活動管理(Activity Management)
* 簽核與工作流程(Approvals and Workflow)
* 區域管理(Territory Management)
* 合約管理(Contract Management)
* 合作夥伴管理(Partner Management)
* 分析及預測(Analytics and Forecasting)
* 報告及顯示面板(Reports and Dashboards)
* 可自訂的預測(Customizable Forecasting)
* 資料品質管理(Data Quality Management)
* 銷售資訊(Sales Information)
* 產品目錄(Product Catalog)
* 文件管理(Document Management)
* 電子郵件範本(Email Templates)
* 資產管理(Asset Management)
* 電腦桌面及行動裝置(Desktop and Mobile)
* 行動 CRM (Mobile CRM Solutions)
* Microsoft Outlook Integration
* Word and Excel Integration
* Customization and Integration
1.Sales Force Automation datasheet
2.Online Demo
3.Salesforce SFA on the iPhone and iPod Touch
<object height="344" width="425"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fwo2VbDA1Io&hl=zh_TW&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="344" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fwo2VbDA1Io&hl=zh_TW&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425"></embed></object>
4.天新資訊 Salesforce.com 業務 與 服務 自動化 說明與展示
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