花了好幾個月考察跟建置來的經驗跟大家分享 OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution), 全文是用英文寫的,如果念起來不習慣的話,部落格的右方有翻譯工具。
這篇是介紹 OMD 好用在哪裡,比起其他的監控軟體有什麼優勢。之後會陸續分享如何安裝與使用,敬請期待。
I spend about 3 weeks vetting through 20+ open source monitoring solutions and at the end of the process, the choices had boiled down to few major ones - OMD (best combination of open source plug-ins put together for Nagios), Zabbix, and Zenoss.
The main components of OMD are Check_MK, PNP4Nagios, Nagvis, and of course Nagios. Among these projects, Check_MK is the core of OMD that makes Nagios easy to configure, easy to scale, and mashed together all the other popular Nagios plug-ins into one unified user interface. Thus the following comparisons are done using Check_MK as the keyword, but I will also cover how other plug-ins makes OMD project stand out from the competitions.