定義一個變數的基本內容 :
scala> val msg : String = "Daniel"
msg: String = Daniel
由於 scala 的編譯器有 type inference 可以推測型別,所以宣告時可省略變數型態由編譯器判斷.
scala 有 2 種定義變數的keywords,var 及 val :
scala> val num = 10
num: Int = 10
scala> num = 5
<console>:12: error: reassignment to val
num = 5
scala> class Employee {}
defined class Employee
scala> val e1 = new Employee
e1: Employee = Employee@36ef1d65
scala> e1 = new Employee
<console>:13: error: reassignment to val
e1 = new Employee
scala> var num = 10
num: Int = 10
scala> num = 5
num: Int = 5
scala> var e1 = new Employee
e1: Employee = Employee@23444a36
scala> e1 = new Employee
e1: Employee = Employee@167a21b
scala 定義方法是使用 def.
定義一個方法的基本內容 :
scala> def sum(num1: Int,num2: Int) : Int = { return num1 + num2 }
sum: (num1: Int, num2: Int)Int
scala> sum(1,2)
res0: Int = 3
方法可以省略return,所以可以很簡潔 :
scala> def sum(num1: Int,num2: Int) = num1 + num2
sum: (num1: Int, num2: Int)Int
scala function 的參數都是 val 不可改變.
scala> def sum(num1: Int,num2: Int) : Int = { num1 = num2 + 1 ; return num1 + num2 }
<console>:11: error: reassignment to val
def sum(num1: Int,num2: Int) : Int = { num1 = num2 + 1 ; return num1 + num2 }
沒傳參數的話,方法看起來會很像是變數,所以要注意 :
像下面其實是一個 msg 方法,不用傳參數,然後 return 一個字串.
scala> def msg = "Hello world"
msg: String
如果不需要回傳值,則使用 Unit
scala> def msg : Unit = println("Hello world")
msg: Unit
如果方法參數數目不確定的話,可以在變數型態後面加上*,就可以傳入多個參數,該變數其實是 scala.Seq[S] 物件:
scala> def sum(nums: Int*) = nums.reduceLeft((sum,num) => sum + num)
sum: (nums: Int*)Int
scala> def sum(nums: Int*) = nums.reduceLeft(_ + _)
sum: (nums: Int*)Int
scala> sum(1)
res25: Int = 1
scala> sum(1,5)
res26: Int = 6
scala> sum(1,5,7)
res27: Int = 13