資料庫中的資料表,可以透過DDL語言(Data Definition Language,資料定義語言)來產生,但是否有辦法由現有的資料表,來產生DDL語言呢?可以的,只要把相關屬性帶出來,就可以產生,我使用了Allen Browne撰寫的顯示資料表欄位內容的程式來進行改寫,用來產生DDL語句。
以下程式為Allen Browne撰寫的查詢資料表程式:
'Microsoft Access: VBA Programming Code
''Provided by Allen Browne. Last updated: April 2010.
''TableInfo() function
''This function displays in the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) the structure of any table in the current database.
'For Access 2000 or 2002, make sure you have a DAO reference.
'The Description property does not exist for fields that have no description, so a separate function handles that error.
Sub TableInfo_test()
Call TableInfo("Config")
End Sub
Function TableInfo(strTableName As String)
On Error GoTo TableInfoErr
' Purpose: Display the field names, types, sizes and descriptions for a table.
' Argument: Name of a table in the current database.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(strTableName)
Debug.Print "==========", "==========", "====", "==========="
For Each fld In tdf.fields
Debug.Print fld.Name,
Debug.Print FieldTypeName(fld),
Debug.Print fld.Size,
Debug.Print GetDescrip(fld)
Debug.Print "==========", "==========", "====", "==========="
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case 3265& 'Table name invalid
MsgBox strTableName & " table doesn't exist"
Case Else
Debug.Print "TableInfo() Error " & Err & ": " & Error
End Select
Resume TableInfoExit
End Function
Function GetDescrip(obj As Object) As String
On Error Resume Next
GetDescrip = obj.Properties("Description")
End Function
Function FieldTypeName(fld As DAO.Field) As String
'Purpose: Converts the numeric results of DAO Field.Type to text.
Dim strReturn As String 'Name to return
Select Case CLng(fld.TYPE) 'fld.Type is Integer, but constants are Long.
Case dbBoolean: strReturn = "Yes/No" ' 1
Case dbByte: strReturn = "Byte" ' 2
Case dbInteger: strReturn = "Integer" ' 3
Case dbLong ' 4
If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "Long Integer"
strReturn = "AutoNumber"
End If
Case dbCurrency: strReturn = "Currency" ' 5
Case dbSingle: strReturn = "Single" ' 6
Case dbDouble: strReturn = "Double" ' 7
Case dbDate: strReturn = "Date/Time" ' 8
Case dbBinary: strReturn = "Binary" ' 9 (no interface)
Case dbText '10
If (fld.Attributes And dbFixedField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "Text"
strReturn = "Text (fixed width)" '(no interface)
End If
Case dbLongBinary: strReturn = "OLE Object" '11
Case dbMemo '12
If (fld.Attributes And dbHyperlinkField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "Memo"
strReturn = "Hyperlink"
End If
Case dbGUID: strReturn = "GUID" '15
'Attached tables only: cannot create these in JET.
Case dbBigInt: strReturn = "Big Integer" '16
Case dbVarBinary: strReturn = "VarBinary" '17
Case dbChar: strReturn = "Char" '18
Case dbNumeric: strReturn = "Numeric" '19
Case dbDecimal: strReturn = "Decimal" '20
Case dbFloat: strReturn = "Float" '21
Case dbTime: strReturn = "Time" '22
Case dbTimeStamp: strReturn = "Time Stamp" '23
'Constants for complex types don't work prior to Access 2007 and later.
Case 101&: strReturn = "Attachment" 'dbAttachment
Case 102&: strReturn = "Complex Byte" 'dbComplexByte
Case 103&: strReturn = "Complex Integer" 'dbComplexInteger
Case 104&: strReturn = "Complex Long" 'dbComplexLong
Case 105&: strReturn = "Complex Single" 'dbComplexSingle
Case 106&: strReturn = "Complex Double" 'dbComplexDouble
Case 107&: strReturn = "Complex GUID" 'dbComplexGUID
Case 108&: strReturn = "Complex Decimal" 'dbComplexDecimal
Case 109&: strReturn = "Complex Text" 'dbComplexText
Case Else: strReturn = "Field type " & fld.TYPE & " unknown"
End Select
FieldTypeName = strReturn
End Function
Function CreateTableByTable(strSrcTableName As String, strDesTableName As String) As String
On Error GoTo TableInfoErr
' Purpose: Display the field names, types, sizes and descriptions for a table.
' Argument: Name of a table in the current database.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(strSrcTableName)
strData_Start = "CREATE TABLE " & strDesTableName & " (" & vbCrLf
strData_Content = ""
For Each fld In tdf.Fields
If strData_Content <> "" Then strData_Content = strData_Content & "," & vbCrLf
strData_Content = strData_Content & "[" & fld.Name & "] " & FieldDDL(fld)
strData_End = ")" & vbCrLf
strData = strData_Start & strData_Content & strData_End
Debug.Print strData
CreateTableByTable = strData
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
Select Case err
Case 3265& 'Table name invalid
MsgBox strTableName & " table doesn't exist"
Case Else
Debug.Print "TableInfo() Error " & err & ": " & Error
End Select
Resume TableInfoExit
End Function
Function FieldDDL(fld As DAO.Field) As String
'Purpose: Converts the numeric results of DAO Field.Type to text.
Dim strReturn As String 'Name to return
' Debug.Print fld.Name
' Debug.Print fld.size
' Debug.Print fld.TYPE
' Debug.Print fld.Required
' Debug.Print fld.AllowZeroLength
' Debug.Print fld.DefaultValue
Select Case CLng(fld.TYPE) 'fld.Type is Integer, but constants are Long.
Case dbBoolean: strReturn = "YESNO" ' 1
Case dbByte: strReturn = "BYTE" ' 2
Case dbInteger: strReturn = "SHORT" ' 3
Case dbLong ' 4
If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "LONG"
strReturn = "COUNTER"
End If
Case dbCurrency: strReturn = "CURRENCY" ' 5
Case dbSingle: strReturn = "SINGLE" ' 6
Case dbDouble: strReturn = "DOUBLE" ' 7
Case dbDate: strReturn = "DATETIME" ' 8
Case dbBinary: strReturn = "BINARY (" & fld.Size & ")" ' 9 (no interface)
Case dbText '10
If (fld.Attributes And dbFixedField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "TEXT (" & fld.Size & ")"
strReturn = "CHAR (" & fld.Size & ")" '(no interface)
End If
Case dbLongBinary: strReturn = "LONGBINARY" '11
Case dbMemo '12
If (fld.Attributes And dbHyperlinkField) = 0& Then
strReturn = "MEMO"
strReturn = "MEMO"
End If
Case dbGUID: strReturn = "GUID" '15
'Attached tables only: cannot create these in JET.
Case dbBigInt: strReturn = "Big Integer" '16
Case dbVarBinary: strReturn = "VarBinary" '17
Case dbChar: strReturn = "Char" '18
Case dbNumeric: strReturn = "Numeric" '19
Case dbDecimal: strReturn = "DECIMAL (precision, scale) " '20
Case dbFloat: strReturn = "Float" '21
Case dbTime: strReturn = "Time" '22
Case dbTimeStamp: strReturn = "Time Stamp" '23
'Constants for complex types don't work prior to Access 2007 and later.
Case 101&: strReturn = "Attachment" 'dbAttachment
Case 102&: strReturn = "Complex Byte" 'dbComplexByte
Case 103&: strReturn = "Complex Integer" 'dbComplexInteger
Case 104&: strReturn = "Complex Long" 'dbComplexLong
Case 105&: strReturn = "Complex Single" 'dbComplexSingle
Case 106&: strReturn = "Complex Double" 'dbComplexDouble
Case 107&: strReturn = "Complex GUID" 'dbComplexGUID
Case 108&: strReturn = "Complex Decimal" 'dbComplexDecimal
Case 109&: strReturn = "Complex Text" 'dbComplexText
Case Else: strReturn = "Field type " & fld.TYPE & " unknown"
End Select
FieldDDL = strReturn
End Function
Sub CreateTableByTable_TEST()
Call CreateTableByTable("Config", "Config2")
End Sub
[Name] TEXT (255),
[Value] TEXT (255),
[Note] MEMO)
Field type reference - names and values for DDL, DAO, and ADOX: