LBP(Local binary patterns)中文是局部二值模式,主要運用局部的像素資訊來描素紋理,而這些紋理就是圖片的特徵,往後可利用這些特徵使用公式訓練,訓練後的資訊即可達到偵測或辨識的效果。這次主要介紹六種LBP特徵取得方式。
void LBP::OriginalLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height)
// 1. padding
C_UINT32 padWidth = width + 2;
C_UINT32 padHeight = height + 2;
UCHAE* padData = new UCHAE[padWidth * padHeight]{ 0 };
Library lib;
lib.ImagePadding8bit(src, padData, width, height, 1);
// 2. calculate original lbp
Image padImage(padData, padWidth, padHeight, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
for (UINT32 row = 1; row < padHeight - 1; row++)
for (UINT32 col = 1; col < padWidth - 1; col++)
UCHAE sum = 0;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row - 1][col - 1] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 7;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row - 1][col] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 6;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row - 1][col + 1] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 5;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row][col + 1] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 4;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row + 1][col + 1] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 3;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row + 1][col] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 2;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row + 1][col - 1] > padImage.image[row][col]) << 1;
sum |= static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row][col - 1] > padImage.image[row][col]);
*pur = sum;
delete[] padData;
padData = nullptr;
計算角度後乘上半徑即是區域圓周的x和y。並將x和y往上下取出4個點,在計算4組座標的w權重(雙線性差值法)。區域N - 1
。位移部分也可以從0開始。(走訪主要先計算每個像素在N區域的數值,也可以說是使用廣度計算方式)。void LBP::CircularLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_UINT32 radius, C_UINT32 bin)
// 1. padding
C_UINT32 padWidth = width + (radius << 1);
C_UINT32 padHeight = height + (radius << 1);
UCHAE* padData = new UCHAE[padWidth * padHeight]{ 0 };
Library lib;
lib.ImagePadding8bit(src, padData, width, height, radius);
// 2. calculate offset
Image padImage(padData, padWidth, padHeight, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
Image purImage(pur, width, height, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
UINT32 offsetBase = bin - 1;
for (UINT32 index = 0; index < bin; index++)
C_FLOAT centerX = MNDT::FixValue(static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0 * MNDT::PI * index / bin)));
C_FLOAT centerY = MNDT::FixValue(static_cast<float>(radius * sin(2.0 * MNDT::PI * index / bin)));
C_INT32 x1 = static_cast<int32_t>(floor(centerX));
C_INT32 y1 = static_cast<int32_t>(floor(centerX));
C_INT32 x2 = static_cast<int32_t>(ceil(centerX));
C_INT32 y2 = static_cast<int32_t>(ceil(centerX));
C_FLOAT xOffset = centerX - x1;
C_FLOAT yOffset = centerY - y1;
//(y, x) -> (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
C_FLOAT w1 = (1.0f - xOffset) * (1.0f - yOffset);
C_FLOAT w2 = xOffset * (1.0f - yOffset);
C_FLOAT w3 = (1.0f - xOffset) * yOffset;
C_FLOAT w4 = xOffset * yOffset;
// 3. calcuulate pixel
for (UINT32 row = radius; row < padHeight - radius; row++)
for (UINT32 col = radius; col < padWidth - radius; col++)
UCHAE pix = 0;
pix = static_cast<UCHAE>(padImage.image[row + y1][col + x1] * w1
+ padImage.image[row + y1][col + x2] * w2
+ padImage.image[row + y2][col + x1] * w3
+ padImage.image[row + y2][col + x2] * w4);
purImage.image[row - radius][col - radius] |= (static_cast<UCHAE>(pix > padImage.image[row][col]) << offsetBase);
delete[] padData;
padData = nullptr;
技巧加快運算。void LBP::InvariantLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_INT32 radius, C_UINT32 bin)
// 1. get circular lbp
CircularLBP(src, pur
, width, height
, radius, bin);
// 2. calculate invariant
Image purImage(pur, width, height, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
for (UINT32 row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (UINT32 col = 0; col < width; col++)
// 使用位移(二進位)方式循環一次
UCHAE originalPix = purImage.image[row][col];
UCHAE minPix = originalPix;
for (UINT32 index = 1; index < bin; index++)
C_UCHAE temp = (originalPix >> index) | (originalPix << index);
if (minPix > temp)
minPix = temp;
purImage.image[row][col] = minPix;
void LBP::EquivalentLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_INT32 radius, C_UINT32 bin)
// 1. get circular lbp
CircularLBP(src, pur
, width, height
, radius, bin);
// 2. set everyone equivalent of the pixels
UCHAE table[256] = { 0 };
// 3. change to equivalent lbp
Image purImage(pur, width, height, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
for (UINT32 row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (UINT32 col = 0; col < width; col++)
purImage.image[row][col] = table[purImage.image[row][col]];
void LBP::EquivalentTable(UCHAE* table)
UCHAE pix = 1;
for (UINT32 index = 0; index < 256; index++)
UINT32 count = 0;
std::bitset<8> binary = index;
for (UINT32 bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; bitIndex++)
if (binary[bitIndex] != binary[(bitIndex + 1) % 8])
if (count < 3)
table[index] = pix;
區塊的平均值。void LBP::MultiScaleBlockLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_INT32 scale)
C_UINT32 cellSize = scale / 3;
C_INT32 cellRadius = cellSize >> 1;
C_UINT32 padWidth = width + (cellRadius << 1);
C_UINT32 padHeight = height + (cellRadius << 1);
UCHAE* avgData = new UCHAE[width * height]{ 0 };
UCHAE* padData = new UCHAE[padWidth * padHeight]{ 0 };
Library lib;
// 1. padding
lib.ImagePadding8bit(src, padData, width, height, cellRadius);
// 2. calculate pixel of avg
Image padImage(padData, padWidth, padHeight, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
Image avgImage(avgData, width, height, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
for (UINT32 row = cellRadius; row < padHeight - cellRadius; row++)
for (UINT32 col = cellRadius; col < padWidth - cellRadius; col++)
int32_t sum = 0;
for (int32_t cellRow = -cellRadius; cellRow < cellRadius; cellRow++)
for (int32_t cellCol = -cellRadius; cellCol < cellRadius; cellCol++)
sum += padImage.image[row + cellRow][col + cellCol];
avgImage.image[row - cellRadius][col - cellRadius] = static_cast<UCHAE>(sum / (cellSize * cellSize));
delete[] padData;
padData = nullptr;
// 3. calculate original lbp
OriginalLBP(avgData, pur, width, height);
delete[] avgData;
avgData = nullptr;
void LBP::SEMultiScaleBlockLBP(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_INT32 scale)
// 1. get block lbp
UCHAE* MBLBPData = new UCHAE[width * height]{ 0 };
MultiScaleBlockLBP(src, MBLBPData
, width, height
, scale);
// 2. get histogram of the block lbp
Library lib;
int32_t histogram[256] = { 0 };
int32_t sortHistogram[256] = { 0 };
lib.SetHistogram8bit(MBLBPData, histogram
, width, height);
// 3. copy and sort the histogram
memcpy(sortHistogram, histogram, 256 * sizeof(int32_t));
std::sort(sortHistogram, sortHistogram + 256);
// 4. found top 64 of the sort histogram
UCHAE table[256] = { 0 };
for (UINT32 index = 0; index < 63; index++)
for (UINT32 hisIndex = 0; hisIndex < 256; hisIndex++)
if (sortHistogram[255 - index] == histogram[hisIndex])
table[hisIndex] = index;
// 5. set new pixel
UINT32 size = height * width;
for (UINT32 index = 0; index < size; index++)
pur[index] = table[MBLBPData[index]];
delete[] MBLBPData;
MBLBPData = nullptr;
void LBP::LBPHistogram(C_UCHAE* src, UCHAE* pur
, C_UINT32 width, C_UINT32 height
, C_UINT32 gridX, C_UINT32 gridY
, C_UINT32 bin)
// 1. init params
Image srcImage(const_cast<UCHAE*>(src), width, height, MNDT::ImageType::GRAY_8BIT);
C_UINT32 cellWidth = width / gridX;
C_UINT32 cellHeight = height / gridY;
float* histogram = new float[gridX * gridY * bin]{ 0 };
// 2. calculate histogram
for (UINT32 row = 0; row < height; row++)
UINT32 hisRowIndex = row / cellHeight * gridX;
for (UINT32 col = 0; col < width; col++)
UINT32 hisColIndex = col / cellWidth;
UINT32 hisIndex = (hisColIndex + hisRowIndex) * bin;
histogram[hisIndex + (srcImage.image[row][col] % bin)]++;
// 3. normalized histogram
Library lib;
C_UINT32 histogramSize = gridX * gridY;
for (UINT32 index = 0; index < histogramSize; index++)
lib.SetNormalizedHistogram8bit(histogram + index * bin, bin, MNDT::Normalized::L1);
//C_UINT32 allSize = gridX * gridY * bin;
//for (UINT32 index = 0; index < allSize; index++)
// MNDT::Write(histogram[index]);
// MNDT::Write(" ");
delete[] histogram;
histogram = nullptr;
[1]senitco(2017). 图像特征提取之LBP特征 from: https://senitco.github.io/2017/06/12/image-feature-lbp/ (2018.11.22).
[2]MNGhost(2018). [筆記]C++ & C#影像處理-幾何變換 from: https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10209217 (2018.11.22).