Condition1 = trueall(V>500, 5);
// 融券最後回補日介於 15 ~ 100 天
Condition2 = DateDiff(GetField("融券最後回補日"), Date) < 100
and DateDiff(GetField("融券最後回補日"), Date) > 15;
// 3 天來的主力買超超過成交量的 8 成
Condition3 = summation(GetField("主力買賣超張數", "D"), 3) > 0.08 * summation(V, 3);
// 融券餘額張數創 5 日新高
Condition4 = GetField("融券餘額張數", "D") = Highest(GetField("融券餘額張數", "D"), 5);
// 融券使用率創 5 日新高
Condition5 = GetField("融券使用率", "D") = Highest(GetField("融券使用率", "D"), 5);
// 今日收盤價創 5 日來的新高,且漲幅超過 3%的紅 K,且上引線(最高價-收盤價)的差距不到 0.01
Condition6 = C > Highest(H[1], 5) and (C - O) / O > 0.03 and ( H - C) / C < 0.01;
// 大盤漲過均線(8)
Condition7 = CCT_TSE_Trend(8) = 1;
Condition100 = Condition1 and Condition2 and Condition3 and Condition4 and Condition6 and Condition7;
// 篩選
If Condition100 Then Ret=1;