
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 24
Modern Web

用30days 了解web系列 第 24

(Day 24) python vs php for web development

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Are you new in Web development? Or do you need help in making a choice between PHP and Python? No need to worry! I have made it easy for you. In this article, all the information that you need to be well versed will be provided. By the time you finish reading this article, you will understand why who is the winner in Python vs PHP war.

If popularity is all you care, then PHP is the clear winner. PHP has a market share of 58.3% while Python only has 1.2%. The difference is so vast! However, a bigger market share does not necessarily mean that PHP is a better option for Web development!

Below are some advantages of Python:
Python is a general-purpose programing language that can be learned with ease by everyone. That’s why you can find a lot of programming courses for beginners using this programming language;

  • Python is very famous for its readability and for being easy to understand;
  • Python codes are short compared to most programming languages and can be written easily as compared to other languages and therefore has become a favorite choice for many applications and websites;
  • With Python, minor mistakes generally don’t break the whole program as Python is very tolerant of mistakes in formatting.

On the other side, PHP has a lot of drawbacks:

  • PHP is famous for being difficult and not very friendly with new users. The rules are much tough;
  • PHP has a reputation for ugly syntax (this I totally agree);
  • PHP was not designed to be a general-purpose language rather it was designed for sophisticated web applications and not for simple, stand-alone programs;

In conclusion, there are a lot of things to say about these two but I will definitely recommend Python.

(day 23) Technologies That Will Transform Web Development
(Day 25) Docker vs Virtual Machine
用30days 了解web30
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