
2021 iThome 鐵人賽

Modern Web

All In One NFT Website Development系列 第 32

【額外分享】How To Test The Smart Contract Of iParking NFT With Foundry

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tags: swfLAB

⚠️ Of course this is only my personal thoughts, don't be too serious haha... ⚠️

Final Updated: 2022/3/17

Table of Contents

  • Intro. of the event
  • Cast an eye over the contract
  • What is Foundry!?
  • Testing Time
  • Conclusion
  • Reference

Synchronization Link Tree


iParking NFT & What happened?



我發現好像沒有看到人選擇以在合約部屬「前」會進行「測試」的角度來看這次的事件,而是在錯誤發生「後」用「肉眼」觀察合約來找到問題在哪。講這些並不是要說任何評論這件事情的好前輩和好夥伴們的不是!真正錯的也就只有開發團隊,還有沒有做好事後處理的 MOD 而已。


不過 Testing 是我認為成為一個職業工程師一個很重要的檻,我自認為距離一個真正的工程師還有不小的距離,所以想要藉此機會來練習一下用之前陳品大大告訴我的 Foundry 撰寫測試!

這篇文章的主軸其實還是我自己學習 Foundry 的小小筆記,嘟嘟房只是一個活例而已 :D


⚠️ Of course this is only my personal thoughts, don't be too serious haha... ⚠️


Cast an eye over the contract


  1. 使用 array 這個資料結構來實作白名單系統
  2. Gas Limit 的設定問題


iParking NFT Source Code in

The path of the Contract Inheritance


%%{init: {'theme': 'forest' } }%%
graph TD;
    library-{Strings, Address}

但其實 OpenZeppelin 裡面有許多用不到的東西(變數、資料結構、宣告等)可以刪掉,能藉此來把 Gas Fee 降低。所以我自己在寫 Project 的時候都會習慣不要直接繼承 Github 上面的內容,而是把需要的東西貼過來一個一個改成想要的樣子。

OpenZeppelin 的安全性和便利性是許多人所稱許的,可對我們這些科學家/工程師(像我這種菜雞可能是半個)來說,細細的斟酌一下我們要使用的東西也蠻重要的對吧!

如果自己隨便亂改然後合約反而出現 Bug,那確實是拿石頭砸自己腳。我就很常這樣,哈哈...

不過畢竟工作是有收薪水的,不管是繼承函式庫還是呼叫 API 都得要更小心。隨著我自己更深入地了解這門技術,才發現很多時候程式碼不是只有 Copy-Paste 那麼簡單。





pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

contract CarMan is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable {
  using Strings for uint256;

  string public baseURI;
  string public baseExtension = ".json";
  string public notRevealedUri;
  uint256 public cost = 0.5 ether;
  uint256 public maxSupply = 2000;
  uint256 public maxMintAmount = 10;
  uint256 public nftPerAddressLimit = 10;
  uint256 public currentPhaseMintMaxAmount = 110;

  uint32 public publicSaleStart = 1647136800;
  uint32 public preSaleStart = 1646964000;
  uint32 public vipSaleStart = 1646618400;

  bool public publicSalePaused = true;
  bool public preSalePaused = true;
  bool public vipSalePaused = true;

馬上就遇到第一個被大家拿出來鞭的小夥伴,array 型態的 whitelistedAddresses

  bool public revealed = false;
  bool public onlyWhitelisted = true;
  address[] whitelistedAddresses;

  mapping(address => uint256) addressMintedBalance;
  mapping(address => uint256) vipMintAmount;

  // addresses to manage this contract
  mapping(address => bool) controllers;

負責接收初始化參數們的建構子,還有指到 NFT Metadata 的 baseURI,如果是存在 IPFS 的話那就是他的 CID:

    string memory _name,
    string memory _symbol,
    string memory _initBaseURI,
    string memory _initNotRevealedUri
  ) ERC721(_name, _symbol) {
    baseURI = _initBaseURI;
    notRevealedUri = _initNotRevealedUri;

  // internal
  function _baseURI() internal view virtual override returns (string memory) {
    return baseURI;

給 VIP 們 mint 的函式:

  // public
  function vipSaleMint(uint256 _mintAmount) public {
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "Mint Amount should be bigger than 0");
    require((!vipSalePaused)&&(vipSaleStart <= block.timestamp), "Not Reach VIP Sale Time");
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "need to mint at least 1 NFT");
    require(_mintAmount <= maxMintAmount, "max mint amount per session exceeded");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= currentPhaseMintMaxAmount, "reach current Phase NFT limit");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= maxSupply, "max NFT limit exceeded");

    require(vipMintAmount[msg.sender] != 0, "user is not VIP");
    uint256 ownerMintedCount = addressMintedBalance[msg.sender];
    uint256 vipMintCount = vipMintAmount[msg.sender];
    require(ownerMintedCount + _mintAmount <= vipMintCount, "max VIP Mint Amount exceeded");
    require(ownerMintedCount + _mintAmount <= nftPerAddressLimit, "max NFT per address exceeded");
    for (uint256 i = 1; i <= _mintAmount; i++) {
      _safeMint(msg.sender, supply + i);

預售用的 mint 函式:

  function preSaleMint(uint256 _mintAmount) public payable {
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "Mint Amount should be bigger than 0");
    require((!preSalePaused)&&(preSaleStart <= block.timestamp), "Not Reach Pre Sale Time");
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "need to mint at least 1 NFT");
    require(_mintAmount <= maxMintAmount, "max mint amount per session exceeded");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= currentPhaseMintMaxAmount, "reach current Phase NFT limit");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= maxSupply, "max NFT limit exceeded");

    if (msg.sender != owner()) {
        if(onlyWhitelisted == true) {
            require(isWhitelisted(msg.sender), "user is not whitelisted");
            uint256 ownerMintedCount = addressMintedBalance[msg.sender];
            require(ownerMintedCount + _mintAmount <= nftPerAddressLimit, "max NFT per address exceeded");
        require(msg.value >= cost * _mintAmount, "insufficient funds");
    for (uint256 i = 1; i <= _mintAmount; i++) {
      _safeMint(msg.sender, supply + i);

公售用的 mint 函式:

  function publicSaleMint(uint256 _mintAmount) public payable {
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "Mint Amount should be bigger than 0");
    require((!publicSalePaused)&&(publicSaleStart <= block.timestamp), "Not Reach Public Sale Time");
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    require(_mintAmount > 0, "need to mint at least 1 NFT");
    require(_mintAmount <= maxMintAmount, "max mint amount per session exceeded");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= currentPhaseMintMaxAmount, "reach current Phase NFT limit");
    require(supply + _mintAmount <= maxSupply, "max NFT limit exceeded");

    if (msg.sender != owner()) {
        if(onlyWhitelisted == true) {
            require(isWhitelisted(msg.sender), "user is not whitelisted");
            uint256 ownerMintedCount = addressMintedBalance[msg.sender];
            require(ownerMintedCount + _mintAmount <= nftPerAddressLimit, "max NFT per address exceeded");
        require(msg.value >= cost * _mintAmount, "insufficient funds");
    for (uint256 i = 1; i <= _mintAmount; i++) {
      _safeMint(msg.sender, supply + i);

判斷當前訊息傳遞者(如果是交易或者 mintmsg.sender 自然是消費者)是否為白名單成員:

  function isWhitelisted(address _user) public view returns (bool) {
    for (uint i = 0; i < whitelistedAddresses.length; i++) {
      if (whitelistedAddresses[i] == _user) {
          return true;
    return false;

  function walletOfOwner(address _owner) public view returns (uint256[] memory)
    uint256 ownerTokenCount = balanceOf(_owner);
    uint256[] memory tokenIds = new uint256[](ownerTokenCount);
    for (uint256 i; i < ownerTokenCount; i++) {
      tokenIds[i] = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_owner, i);
    return tokenIds;

正常的 NFT 合約有的 tokenURI

  function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view virtual override returns (string memory)
      "ERC721Metadata: URI query for nonexistent token"
    if(revealed == false) {
        return notRevealedUri;

    string memory currentBaseURI = _baseURI();
    return bytes(currentBaseURI).length > 0
        ? string(abi.encodePacked(currentBaseURI, tokenId.toString(), baseExtension))
        : "";

關於一些鑄造函式的啟動 & 關閉條件。

  function publicSaleIsActive() public view returns (bool) {
    return ( (publicSaleStart <= block.timestamp) && (!publicSalePaused) );

  function preSaleIsActive() public view returns (bool) {
    return ( (preSaleStart <= block.timestamp) && (!preSalePaused) );

  function vipSaleIsActive() public view returns (bool) {
    return ( (vipSaleStart <= block.timestamp) && (!vipSalePaused) );

  function checkVIPMintAmount(address _account) public view returns (uint256) {
    return vipMintAmount[_account];

是一些擁有管理權的人們才能呼叫的函式。通常這種函式越多我覺得就越中心化,不過既然一切都是透明且清楚明白的寫在程式碼上,其實 sign 了就代表我們同意接受這個合約對吧!

  // for controller
  function reveal(bool _state) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    revealed = _state;
  function setNftPerAddressLimit(uint256 _limit) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    nftPerAddressLimit = _limit;
  function setCost(uint256 _newCost) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    cost = _newCost;

  function setmaxMintAmount(uint256 _newmaxMintAmount) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    maxMintAmount = _newmaxMintAmount;

  function setcurrentPhaseMintMaxAmount(uint256 _newPhaseAmount) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    currentPhaseMintMaxAmount = _newPhaseAmount;

  function setPublicSaleStart(uint32 timestamp) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    publicSaleStart = timestamp;
  function setPreSaleStart(uint32 timestamp) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    preSaleStart = timestamp;

  function setVIPSaleStart(uint32 timestamp) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    vipSaleStart = timestamp;

  function setBaseURI(string memory _newBaseURI) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    baseURI = _newBaseURI;

  function setBaseExtension(string memory _newBaseExtension) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    baseExtension = _newBaseExtension;
  function setNotRevealedURI(string memory _notRevealedURI) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    notRevealedUri = _notRevealedURI;

  function setPreSalePause(bool _state) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    preSalePaused = _state;

  function setVIPSalePause(bool _state) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    vipSalePaused = _state;

  function setVIPMintAmount(address[] memory _accounts, uint256[] memory _amounts) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    require(_accounts.length == _amounts.length, "accounts and amounts array length mismatch");

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _accounts.length; ++i) {

  function setPublicSalePause(bool _state) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    publicSalePaused = _state;
  function setOnlyWhitelisted(bool _state) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    onlyWhitelisted = _state;
  function whitelistUsers(address[] calldata _users) public {
    require(controllers[msg.sender], "Only controllers can operate this function");
    delete whitelistedAddresses;
    whitelistedAddresses = _users;


  //only owner
   * enables an address for management
   * @param controller the address to enable
  function addController(address controller) external onlyOwner {
    controllers[controller] = true;

   * disables an address for management
   * @param controller the address to disbale
  function removeController(address controller) external onlyOwner {
    controllers[controller] = false;

賺了錢記得要把錢拿出來的 withdraw 函式:

  function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
    (bool success, ) = payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");

What is Foundry!?

Unit Testing of Smart Contract

過往我們在進行 Testing 的時候無非是使用 Hardhat, Truffle, DappTools 等撰寫 Javascript/ Typescript 語法的測試,最後搭配 Ganache, Infura 等來服用。其他藥物還會包含 ethers.js, mocha, waffle, chai 之類的 blablabla,大家自行體會 :D

但有寫過的人可能都知道,在我們的 node_modules 裡面應該充滿了各式各樣的 dependencies,做任何開發之前都要先來一套刪套件、重載套件、降版本、環境變數之類的組合拳,也算是夠惱人的...

雖然 Javascript 已經是一個人手一把的利器,但身為一個撰寫 Solidity 的工程師測試卻要用另外一個語言來寫,總是會覺得哪裡怪怪的(嗎)。更不用說 Big Number 這個套件某些時候還會造成一些問題。

不過現在能夠用 Solidity 一劑打天下的疫苗出現了,那就是效果快狠準的 Foundry!(掌聲歡迎??)


Foundry 是一個使用 Rust 建置的開發工具,它自稱為以太坊所有開發環境中最快、最有彈性、擴充性最強的一款。連官方的 github 中都自己拿來和知名工具 dapptools 互相比較(理所當然是大勝,不然不會拿出來比)。

Foundry 能夠從眾多工具中脫穎而出的特點除了快速之外,還有以 Solidity 撰寫測試這個特質,待會我們會有機會細細品味的!


以下是一些比較基準和相關敘述,翻譯於 Foundry 官方文件:

Forge 利用 ethers-solc ,在編譯和測試的表現上都有非常快的速度。

Project Forge DappTools Speedup
guni-lev 28.6s 2m36s 5.45x
solmate 6s 46s 7.66x
geb 11s 40s 3.63x
vaults 1.4s 5.5s 3.9x

當我們在測試(tested) 著名的函式庫 openzeppelin-contracts 時,Hardhat 耗費了 15.244s 的時間編譯,而 Forge 只需要 9.449s (~4s cached)。

What features can use

Foundry 由以下兩者組成:

  • Forge: 就像我們平常使用的其他開發工具一樣,是一個 Ethereum 的測試框架。
  • Cast:支援多種客戶端功能,像是與 EVM 智能合約互動、傳遞交易、取得鏈上資訊等,就像一把瑞士刀一樣(官方文件寫的)。

來自官方的 Foundry 特性:

  • Fast & flexible compilation pipeline
    • Automatic Solidity compiler version detection & installation (under ~/.svm)
    • Incremental compilation & caching: Only changed files are re-compiled
    • Parallel compilation
    • Non-standard directory structures support (e.g. Hardhat repos)
  • Tests are written in Solidity (like in DappTools)
  • Fast fuzz testing with shrinking of inputs & printing of counter-examples
  • Fast remote RPC forking mode, leveraging Rust's async infrastructure like tokio
  • Flexible debug logging
    • Dapptools-style, using DsTest's emitted logs
    • Hardhat-style, using the popular console.sol contract
  • Portable (5-10MB) & easy to install without requiring Nix or any other package manager
  • Fast CI with the Foundry GitHub action.

Download Foundry

如果作業系統是 Linux 或 macOS 最簡單的方法就是使用以下方法下載 Foundry:

curl -L | bash

下載完成之後再執行一次 foundryup 會將 Foundry 更新至最新版本,如果想要返回到指定版本,也可以使用指令 foundryup -v $VERSION

然而我自己是使用 Windows,下載的方式如下。

在下載 Foundry 之前,我們的需要先準備好 Rust 和 Cargo,首先到 下載 rust,然後執行:


這樣就可以同時準備好 Rust 和 Cargo,最後打開 CMD 使用以下指令就可以成功安裝 Foundry。

cargo install --git --bins --locked


error: linker link.exe not found
  = note: program not found

note: the msvc targets depend on the msvc linker but link.exe was not found

note: please ensure that VS 2013, VS 2015, VS 2017 or VS 2019 was installed with the Visual C++ option

error: could not compile proc-macro2 due to previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile `foundry-cli v0.1.0 (`, intermediate artifacts can be found at C:\Users\qazws\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installe6Rd6Y

Caused by:
  build failed

那就要下載 Visual Studio 2019 Build tools,選擇 C++ Build Tools 然後重開機就可以解決了!下載大小約是 6 GB。

First Foundry Test

首先我們使用 init 初始化一個專案。

$ forge init hello_foundry

進到 hello_foundry 看看初始化之後在資料夾裡面出現了什麼:

$ cd hello_foundry
$ tree .
├── lib
│   └── ds-test
└── src
    ├── Contract.sol
    └── test
        └── Contract.t.sol

6 directories, 7 files

forge CLI 將會創建兩個檔案目錄:libsrc

  • lib 包含了 testing contract (lib/ds-test/src/test.sol),同時也有其他各式各樣測試合約的實作 demo(lib/ds-test/demo/demo.sol)
  • src 放了我們寫的智能合約和測試的原始碼


$ forge build
[⠰] Compiling...
[⠃] installing solc version "0.8.10"
[⠒] Successfully installed solc 0.8.10
[⠊] Compiling 3 files with 0.8.10
Compiler run successful


$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped
Running 1 test for ContractTest.json:ContractTest
[PASS] testExample() (gas: 120)

More Foundry Test

$ iParking_foundry\hello_foundry\src\Contract.sol 中我們把合約修改成我們想要撰寫的其他合約:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

contract Foo {
  uint256 public x = 1;
  function set(uint256 _x) external {
    x = _x;

  function double() external {
    x = 2 * x;

在檔案 test/Contract.t.sol 中:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import 'src/Contract.sol';

contract FooTest is DSTest {
  Foo foo;

  // The state of the contract gets reset before each
  // test is run, with the `setUp()` function being called
  // each time after deployment. Think of this like a JavaScript
  // `beforeEach` block
  function setUp() public {
    foo = new Foo();

  // A simple unit test
  function testDouble() public {
    require(foo.x() == 1);
    require(foo.x() == 2);

  // A failing unit test (function name starts with `testFail`)
  function testFailDouble() public {
    require(foo.x() == 1);
    require(foo.x() == 4);


forge test
[⠰] Compiling...
[⠒] Compiling 2 files with 0.8.10
Compiler run successful

Running 2 tests for FooTest.json:FooTest
[PASS] testDouble() (gas: 9316)
[PASS] testFailDouble() (gas: 9290)

除了以上我們最熟悉的 require 之外,也可以使用以下方式進行測試:

function testDouble() public {
    assertEq(foo.x(), 1);
    assertEq(foo.x(), 2);

我們還有更多酷炫的 assertions 語法可以用來測試合約,在 lib/ds-test/src/test.sol 中可以找到他們:

  • 邏輯運算 - assertTrue
  • 十進制相等 - assertEqDecimal
  • 大於、小於 - assertGt, assertGe, assertLt, assertLe

More features can use

Foundry 同樣也支持 Fuzzing 測試。因為當我們一個一個函式都進行測試時,即便全部都成功 PASS,但在邊際測資中其實也很有可能會出現一些問題,導致 Under/Overflow 或其他 RE/ME 之類的錯誤。

我們在測試函式中增加參數之後,Fuzzing 能夠讓 Solidity test runner 隨機選擇大量的參數輸入我們的函式。

function testDoubleWithFuzzing(uint256 x) public {
    require(foo.x() == x);
    require(foo.x() == 2 * x);

在以上例子中 fuzzer 會自動地對 x 嘗試各種隨機數,如果他發現當前輸入會導致測試失敗,便會回傳錯誤,這時候就可以開始 debug 啦!


$ forge test
[⠆] Compiling...
[⠔] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.10
Compiler run successful

Running 3 tests for FooTest.json:FooTest
[PASS] testDouble() (gas: 9384)
[FAIL. Reason: Arithmetic over/underflow. Counterexample: calldata=0xc80b36b68000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, args=[57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968]] testDoubleWithFuzzing(uint256) (runs: 4, μ: 2867, ~: 3823)
[PASS] testFailDouble() (gas: 9290)

Failed tests:
[FAIL. Reason: Arithmetic over/underflow. Counterexample: calldata=0xc80b36b68000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, args=[57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968]] testDoubleWithFuzzing(uint256) (runs: 4, μ: 2867, ~: 3823)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 2 tests succeeded

從以上錯誤可以發現當參數輸入為 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968 之後會出現錯誤,來到 wolframe 貼上這個數字之後會發現這個數字為 5.789 * 10^76 ~= 2^255

聽起來十分合理因為 x 的型態就是 uint256,所以如果要避免程式出現問題,勢必要在函式裡面增加一些關於型態的異常處理敘述。

未來 Foundry 除了Fuzz Testing 之外,還會支援:

  • Invariant Testing
  • Symbolic Execution
  • Mutation Testing

Give me more information!!

Give me more more more documentation!!!

⚗ Testing Time

Initialization & Preparation

打開一個空資料夾,使用 init 來初始化專案:

$ forge init iParking_foundry

因為我們要繼承許多 OpenZeppelin 的合約,所以這邊先將其導入到專案的 src 裡面。

其實感覺不是要這樣子做,但這邊如果有正確的做法拜託提供給我 ?

$ cd src
$ tree
│  ├─access
│  ├─finance
│  ├─governance
│  │  ├─compatibility
│  │  ├─extensions
│  │  └─utils
│  ├─interfaces
│  ├─metatx
│  ├─mocks
│  │  ├─compound
│  │  ├─ERC165
│  │  ├─UUPS
│  │  └─wizard
│  ├─proxy
│  │  ├─beacon
│  │  ├─ERC1967
│  │  ├─transparent
│  │  └─utils
│  ├─security
│  ├─token
│  │  ├─common
│  │  ├─ERC1155
│  │  │  ├─extensions
│  │  │  ├─presets
│  │  │  └─utils
│  │  ├─ERC20
│  │  │  ├─extensions
│  │  │  ├─presets
│  │  │  └─utils
│  │  ├─ERC721
│  │  │  ├─extensions
│  │  │  ├─presets
│  │  │  └─utils
│  │  └─ERC777
│  │      └─presets
│  └─utils
│      ├─cryptography
│      ├─escrow
│      ├─introspection
│      ├─math
│      └─structs

$ iParking_foundry\src\Contract.sol 中我們把合約修改成嘟嘟房的 NFT 合約(記得要 import 要繼承的列祖列宗們):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

import "./contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";

contract CarMan is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable {

    // skip the contract here...

同時也先把 Contract.t.sol 檔案中的測試合約準備好:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import 'src/Contract.sol';

contract CarManTest is DSTest {
  CarMan carman;

  // The state of the contract gets reset before each
  // test is run, with the `setUp()` function being called
  // each time after deployment. Think of this like a JavaScript
  // `beforeEach` block
  function setUp() public {
    carman = new CarMan("CarMan_Metaverse", "CMM", "ipfs://QmYvJEw4LHBpaehH6mYZV9YXC372QSWL4BPFVJvUkKqRCg/", "ipfs://.../");


$ forge test
[⠆] Compiling...
[⠘] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.10
Compiler run successful

Unit Testing

目標主要是看 preSaleMint() 這個函式的運作狀況,說到底我這邊也是屬於一種馬後炮的行為,因為我也懶得寫別的測試哈哈哈哈哈。


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import '../Contract.sol';

contract CarManTest is DSTest {
  CarMan carman;
  address[] public temp;
  // skip the code...

首先就是先宣告版本,這邊我除了把主合約宣告進來之外,來宣告了 DEPLOYER_ADDRESS 來存合約 deployer 的地址;以及 temp 來暫存之後要增長的白名單。

  // The state of the contract gets reset before each
  // test is run, with the `setUp()` function being called
  // each time after deployment. Think of this like a JavaScript
  // `beforeEach` block
  function setUp() public {
    carman = new CarMan("CarMan_Metaverse", "CMM", "ipfs://QmYvJEw4LHBpaehH6mYZV9YXC372QSWL4BPFVJvUkKqRCg/", "ipfs://.../");
    DEPLOYER_ADDRESS = carman.owner();
    carman.addController(DEPLOYER_ADDRESS); // deployer can addController
    carman.setPreSalePause(false); // deployer/controller can setPreSalePause
    for(uint i = 0; i < 800; i++){
      address randomish = address(uint160(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(i, blockhash(block.number))))));


一、DEPLOYER_ADDRESS = carman.owner();

這個敘述中我們首先需要知道 msg.sender 是誰,因為在 deploy 合約的時候決定 owner 是誰的方法就是看最一開始的 msg.sender
我們可以從 foundry.toml 以及 foundry.toml Reference 中得到各個環境變數、全域變數的設定檔與其預設值是多少。


這是除了陣列存白名單外我覺得最弔詭的地方,那就是我在主合約裡面沒有看見他們把 owner 在建構子裡面就設定為 Controller。然而大部分的功能函式居然都是需要 require(Controller) 而不是使用 onlyOwnermodifier。所以我就在這邊幫自己(deployer)宣告了。


for(uint i = 0; i < 800; i++){
  address randomish = address(uint160(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(i, blockhash(block.number))))));

主要的重點為如何在合約中隨機製造帳戶地址,然後把他們都加進去 temp 這個陣列,最後再一次 pushwhitelistedAddresses 中。

接下來下一個程式碼讓我苦惱超級久,因為如果沒有實作 _checkOnERC721Received 的話,在直接宣告 _safeMint() 以後會瘋狂出現以下錯誤:

Running 1 test for CarManTest.json:CarManTest
�[31m[FAIL. Reason: ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer]�[0m testDeployerCanMint() (gas: 192214)

Failed tests:
�[31m[FAIL. Reason: ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer]�[0m testDeployerCanMint() (gas: 192214)

Encountered a total of �[31m1�[0m failing tests, �[32m0�[0m tests succeeded

根據我查到的資料 _checkOnERC721Received 有一個 verification logic 存在,如果今天 to 的地址是一個合約而不是 EOA,那就需要實作它的 body,這樣才可以在 ERC-721 的介面裡面回傳正確的 4 bytes hash。

  function onERC721Received(
      bytes calldata
  )external pure returns(bytes4) {
      return bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"));
  solved reference:

第一個測試,這邊先試試水溫看自己(Deployer)能不能夠鑄造幾個 NFT。

  function testDeployerCanMint(uint x) public {
    assertEq(carman.totalSupply(), 0); // nothing minted before
    if(x > carman.maxMintAmount()){
      assertEq(carman.totalSupply(), carman.maxMintAmount());
    else if(x > 0){
      assertEq(carman.totalSupply(), x);

第二個測試,這邊要使用 Foundry 提供的一個很酷的功能,那就是我們可以把自己的身分轉變成其他帳戶,藉此來以不同角度測試合約。

首先我們要宣告 CheatCodes 的介面,之後在測試合約裡面宣告 cheats。最後只要在我們想要測試的合約裡面加上 cheats.prank(address(0)); 就可以把自己的角度轉成 address(0)

interface CheatCodes {
  function prank(address) external;

contract CarManTest is DSTest {
  CheatCodes cheats = CheatCodes(HEVM_ADDRESS);
  // skip the code...
  function testFailNotWLMint() public {


$ forge test
[⠒] Compiling...
[⠑] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.10
Compiler run successful

Running 3 tests for CarManTest.json:CarManTest
[PASS] testDeployerCanMint(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 972407, ~: 1198664)
[PASS] testFailNotWLMint() (gas: 2080543)

Gas Report

Foundry 還有一個非常有趣的功能那就是 Gas Report:

$ forge test --gas-report
[2K[⠔] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 2 tests for CarManTest.json:CarManTest
[PASS] testDeployerCanMint(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 908620, ~: 1198597)
[PASS] testFailNotWLMint() (gas: 2080543)
│ CarMan contract ┆                 ┆          ┆          ┆          ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆          ┆          ┆          ┆         │
│ 3269119         ┆ 16173           ┆          ┆          ┆          ┆         │
│ Function Name   ┆ min             ┆ avg      ┆ median   ┆ max      ┆ # calls │
│ addController   ┆ 22718           ┆ 22718    ┆ 22718    ┆ 22718    ┆ 1       │
│ owner           ┆ 444             ┆ 444      ┆ 444      ┆ 444      ┆ 1       │
│ preSaleMint     ┆ 2070405         ┆ 2070405  ┆ 2070405  ┆ 2070405  ┆ 1       │
│ setPreSalePause ┆ 858             ┆ 858      ┆ 858      ┆ 858      ┆ 1       │
│ whitelistUsers  ┆ 17822466        ┆ 17822466 ┆ 17822466 ┆ 17822466 ┆ 1       │

這個 Gas 果然是消耗驚人,如果要發現這個錯誤的話,在 foundry.toml 中就需要把 gasLimit 設定成我們想要的大小來控制,或者使用其他辦法之類的 :D


Why do I not correct the contract

市面上有許多實作的例子,無論是最基本的 mapping,酷炫的 Merkle Tree(Hash Tree),或甚至是稍微中心化但更易於管理和節省開銷的 Backend Signature Whitelist Data Base,其實多查一點資料應該是會選擇避免掉用 array 這個資料結構來存白名單的。

不過因為我是一個菜鳥,我認識的所有會寫 Solidity 的人裡面有 99% 都比自己強哈哈哈哈哈,所以修正智能合約這種事情我先躲開好了!做 Auditing 的大師不少,還是讓他們來吧 :D

My point of view

固然使用 array 和遍歷這樣子的演算法來尋找白名單能稱得上是詭譎,不過從 Web2 跨足到 Web3 的公司們,其實有很多東西都需要學習。





ERC-721 Contract Unit Testing

All In One NFT Website Development32
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

