
2022 iThome 鐵人賽

Modern Web

clojure 刷刷鍋系列 第 5

Clojure 肉片 -第 5 塊

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  1. 竟然忘了最基本,cond 第一個條件做完就代表著 第二個條件是帶著第一個條件 filter 還在那邊寫 3 <= x < 7,其實只需要 x < 7 就可以
  2. 第一次知道 defn 裡面還有包 def 的寫法,知道有 let 的寫法,但在只需要一個變數情況下,看起來比較簡潔!

補充:昨天提到怎麼 clojure 沒有 sum function,問了大大才意識到,其實 + 就做到了呀!在 ruby 或大多的語言 + 是 operator(ruby 是有 + 的 method 沒錯),位置放在 suffix ex. 1 + 1,所以只能接收兩個 argument。但 clojure 世界把它當成 function 且又是 prefix,就做到了能接收無限多個 argument,這不就是 sum 效果嗎!ex. (+ 1 2 3 4)


After a hard quarter in the office you decide to get some rest on a vacation. So you will book a flight for you and your girlfriend and try to leave all the mess behind you.

You will need a rental car in order for you to get around in your vacation. The manager of the car rental makes you some good offers.

Every day you rent the car costs $40. If you rent the car for 7 or more days, you get $50 off your total. Alternatively, if you rent the car for 3 or more days, you get $20 off your total.

Write a code that gives out the total amount for different days(d).


(ns rentalcarcost.core-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [rentalcarcost.core :refer :all]))

(defn test-assert [act exp]
  (is (= act exp)))

(deftest a-test1
  (testing "rental-car-cost"
     (test-assert (rental-car-cost  1) 40)
     (test-assert (rental-car-cost  3) 100)
     (test-assert (rental-car-cost  8) 270)


(ns rentalcarcost.core)

(defn rental-car-cost [d]
    (and (>= d 0) (< d 3)) (* 40 d)
    (and (>= d 3) (< d 7)) (- (* 40 d) 20)
    (>= d 7) (- (* 40 d) 50)


  1. 想到像是在 ruby 做 case when,不同條件下不同的計算


(ns rentalcarcost.core)

(defn rental-car-cost [d]
  (let [init (* d 40)]
      (>= d 7) (- init 50)
      (>= d 3) (- init 20)
      :else init)))
(ns rentalcarcost.core)

(defn rental-car-cost [d]
  (def cost (* d 40) )
    (>= d 7) (- cost 50)
    (>= d 3) (- cost 20)
    :else cost

Clojure 肉片 -第 4 塊
Clojure 肉片 -第 6 塊
clojure 刷刷鍋30
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

