What is an anagram? Well, two words are anagrams of each other if they both contain the >same letters. For example:
'abba' & 'baab' == true
'abba' & 'bbaa' == true
'abba' & 'abbba' == false
'abba' & 'abca' == falseWrite a function that will find all the anagrams of a word from a list. You will be >given two inputs a word and an array with words. You should return an array of all the >anagrams or an empty array if there are none. For example:
anagrams('abba', ['aabb', 'abcd', 'bbaa', 'dada']) => ['aabb', 'bbaa']
anagrams('racer', ['crazer', 'carer', 'racar', 'caers', 'racer']) => ['carer', 'racer']
anagrams('laser', ['lazing', 'lazy', 'lacer']) => []
def string_to_dict(str):
dic = {}
for char in set(str):
dic[char] = str.count(char)
return dic
def anagrams(word, words):
reslut = []
key_word_dict = string_to_dict(word)
for i in range(len(words)):
if string_to_dict(words[i]) == key_word_dict:
return reslut