iven the root of a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths in any order.
A leaf is a node with no children.
Example 1:
Input: root = [1,2,3,null,5]
Output: ["1->2->5","1->3"]
Example 2:
Input: root = [1]
Output: ["1"]
用遞迴的方式來實現的話,跟之前的 preOrder,Inorder,PostOrder traversal 作法一樣.
或者我們可以用一個 While 迴圈搭配 Stack來達到相同目的.
def dfs(root):
if not root:
return []
stack = [root]
res = []
while len(stack) > 0:
cur_node = stack.pop()
if cur_node.right is not None:
if cur_node.left is not None:
return res
因為從每個節點到 root 節點的路徑只有一條,所以我們可以紀錄每個節點到root 節點的路徑.
然後只要回傳 Leaf 節點的路徑就是答案
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def binaryTreePaths(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[str]:
stack = [(root, "%d" % root.val)]
ans = []
while len(stack) > 0:
node, path = stack.pop()
if node.left == None and node.right == None:
if node.right:
stack.append((node.right, path + "->" + str(node.right.val)))
if node.left:
stack.append((node.left, path + "->" + str(node.left.val)))
return ans
Go 語言沒有tuple 資料格式,我們必須自己定義 struct,或着在這一題我就分開直接用兩個stack來分別記錄.
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* type TreeNode struct {
* Val int
* Left *TreeNode
* Right *TreeNode
* }
import "strconv"
func binaryTreePaths(root *TreeNode) []string {
res := []string{}
stackNode := []*TreeNode{root}
stackPath := []string{strconv.Itoa(root.Val)}
n := len(stackNode)
for n > 0 {
node := stackNode[n-1]
path := stackPath[n-1]
stackNode = stackNode[0 : n-1]
stackPath = stackPath[0 : n-1]
if node.Left == nil && node.Right == nil {
res = append(res, path)
if node.Left != nil {
stackNode = append(stackNode, node.Left)
stackPath = append(stackPath, path + "->" + strconv.Itoa(node.Left.Val))
if node.Right != nil {
stackNode = append(stackNode, node.Right)
stackPath = append(stackPath, path + "->" + strconv.Itoa(node.Right.Val))
n = len(stackNode)
return res