

2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 29
Software Development

Kotlin on the way系列 第 29

Day 29 設計模式 依賴注入的細節

  • 分享至 

  • xImage
  • 解決什麼問題
  • 如何理解
  • 職責
    • 控制反轉和依賴反轉
  • 抽象
  • 使用其他設計模式
  • 優點缺點
  • service locator




di 是模式、原則、設計,但他不是 container or library,所謂 library 是定義了依賴注入方法的套件庫,讓開發者可以更輕鬆的實踐依賴注入,但他並非必要的,在不使用套件的情況下做的依賴注入稱之為簡單依賴注入


詳細的方法,在 Day 11 ~ Day 24 全都是可以用到的技巧

答案就是今天的主題 依賴注入


在 stackoverflow 裡面有一串How to explain dependency injection to a 5-year-old? [closed]講到

When you go and get things out of the refrigerator for yourself, you can cause problems. You might leave the door open, you might get something Mommy or Daddy doesn't want you to have. You might even be looking for something we don't even have or which has expired.

What you should be doing is stating a need, "I need something to drink with lunch," and then we will make sure you have something when you sit down to eat.



  1. 創建物件
  2. 知道哪些類別需要物件
  3. 提供物件



inversion of control

dependency Inversion Principle







// 要求使用建構者模式需要使用 provide
fun provideRepository():Retrofit {
    return Retrofit.Builder()

// 回傳介面時用 bind
fun bindsRepository():Repository {


  • 晚期綁定
    • 在不需重新編譯的情況下,進行服務的替換
  • 擴展性
    • 重新利用程式碼做擴展
  • 平行開發
    • 開發工作可以同步進行
  • 可維護性
  • 可測試性


  • 開發時間縮短
    • 短期內可能會增加,但以長期來看,使用依賴注入可以讓每個物件的職責更內聚,提高維護性
  • 耦合度降低


  • 學習成本
  • 複雜度增加
    • 當系統的物件都依賴於抽象介面時,追朔源碼會變得複雜,需要到抽象層,仰賴於開發者對程式碼跟ide操作的熟悉度
  • 耦合於依賴注入工具

service locator


Since Koin isn’t a dependency injector but a service locator with a clever reified trick that you can use to manually perform dependency injection, the boilerplate will scale disproportionally — said Jake Wharton.


  single { Controller(get()) }



Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns 1st Edition



Day 29 design pattern detail on di

  • what issue it solves
  • hoe to understand
  • responsibility
    • dependency inversion and control inversion
  • abstract
  • using other design pattern
  • pros and cons
  • service locator

what issue it solves

Rather than other design pattern, di usually connect to other design pattern, so it would be better that you dive into di after you have basic knowledge of design pattern

So what does di doing? it allow the cooperator class, rely on basic instrument, to get what it needs

The di it self is not our goal, it is a solution, a solution for program which easier to maintain

In our growing program, we do everything we can to make it more maintainable, the best solution is decoupled, we write code based on abstract, not based on instance, the design of decouple could lead us to increase extendability, maintainability, the whole thing about di, is a solution to increase maintainability.

dependency inject is a pattern, principle, design, it is not just container or library, the library is a code base implement the idea of di, so we developer could use it simpler, but we of course could use di without it, a simple way if called simple dependency inject

decoupled architecture

The architecture of decoupled, allow the program easier to develop, maintain, extend, test, the core is rely on abstract, not instance
you can check out articles in this series, from day 11 to day 24

now we know we should design for abstract, and we also know that we rely on abstract not implement, so the last question is how do we get the constructor?
And that is our topic today, dependency inject

how to understand

There is a discussion in stackoverflow, How to explain dependency injection to a 5-year-old? [closed] mentioned

When you go and get things out of the refrigerator for yourself, you can cause problems. You might leave the door open, you might get something Mommy or Daddy doesn't want you to have. You might even be looking for something we don't even have or which has expired.

What you should be doing is stating a need, "I need something to drink with lunch," and then we will make sure you have something when you sit down to eat.


  1. create object
  2. knows which class need which object
  3. provide object

as we can see, by using di, we could separate the responsibility of object create and object usage, decrease the responsibility of object and increase the cohesions

dependency inversion and control inversion

inversion of control

  • rely on abstract, using abstract to operator instance, control the direction on dependency

dependency Inversion Principle

  • let instance rely on abstract, not reversed, a pattern to deal with dependency relationship


abstract is the more important point in oop, we will use cookie mold to describe it

abstract is like a cookie mold, the instance of class it the cookie dough we make, the abstract define the shape, and the instance butter cookie, red velvet cookie will the same shape of abstract, so when we selling grass shape cookie, we can mix the different cookie that are same shape

and back to the topic, why does abstract matter, we are not just make class rely on instance, design based on interface, when we define the dependency inject using abstract allow us to replace instance, on the other hands, not all class require an abstract, those class doesn't require mock, intercept, replace, doesn't require hiding class behind interface

using other design pattern

as we building instance with di, di would know the construct way of the class, and base on environment, we might have different usage depends on the class design, requires developer know about other design pattern, usage and di framework, we can take an example

// ask developer using `provide` with builder pattern
fun provideRepository():Retrofit {
    return Retrofit.Builder()

// using bind to return `interface`
fun bindsRepository():Repository {

pros and cons

  • lately bindnig
    • replace service without recompile
  • extendability
    • reuse for extend
  • parallel
    • allow develop in same time
  • maintainability
  • testabilty


  • shorter develop time
  • decoupled


  • learn cost
  • increase complexity on debug
  • couple with di framework

service locator

some developer declare that service locator is an anti pattern

Since Koin isn’t a dependency injector but a service locator with a clever reified trick that you can use to manually perform dependency injection, the boilerplate will scale disproportionally — said Jake Wharton.

The biggest difference between service locator and di, it can't inject class automatically, we have to bind it manually

  single { Controller(get()) }

On the other hands, service locator will create class instance in runtime, in other words, it will crash in runtime as well, unlike to real di, di will auto generate code, and auto check dependency system, if we didn't provide right dependency relationship, we can't build our app, which means we guarantee we won;t have dependency in run time


Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns 1st Edition

Great book, this article mostly is concept from that book, but only contain a small piece

Day 28 設計模式 狀態模式和狀態機
Day 30 介面設計 Interface Design
Kotlin on the way31

