def myAtoi(self, s: str) -> int:
if not s:
return 0
lenN = len(s)
MAX_INT, MIN_INT = 2147483647, -2147483648
sign = 1
decimal = 0
idx = 0
# 1. Ignore leading whitespace
while idx < lenN and s[idx] == ' ':
idx += 1
# 2. Determine the Sign (+/-)
if idx < lenN and s[idx] == '-':
sign = -1
idx +=1
elif idx < lenN and s[idx] == '+':
sign = 1
idx +=1
# 3. Deal with digit between ['0' - '9']
while idx < lenN and '0' <= s[idx] and s[idx] <= '9':
digitInt = ord(s[idx]) - ord('0')
# 3.1 Detect overflow
if (decimal > MAX_INT // 10) or (decimal == (MAX_INT // 10) and digitInt > MAX_INT % 10):
return MAX_INT if sign == 1 else MIN_INT
# 3.2 Calculate new decimal
decimal = 10 * decimal + digitInt
idx += 1
return sign * decimal
Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity: O(1)
Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity: O(1)