class Solution:
def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool:
if not board:
return False
def dfs(idxRestWord, xAxis, yAxis):
# Compare success
if idxRestWord == len(word):
return True
# Check overflow
if (xAxis < 0 or yAxis < 0) or (xAxis >= len(board) or yAxis >= len(board[0])):
return False
# Compare search pattern
if board[xAxis][yAxis] != word[idxRestWord]:
return False
# Temporarily mark the char to avoid duplicated search
board[xAxis][yAxis] = '*'
nextIdx = idxRestWord + 1
srchResFromHere = (
dfs(nextIdx, xAxis + 1, yAxis) or
dfs(nextIdx, xAxis, yAxis + 1) or
dfs(nextIdx, xAxis - 1, yAxis) or
dfs(nextIdx, xAxis, yAxis - 1)
# Restore the board back (For future search)
board[xAxis][yAxis] = word[idxRestWord]
return srchResFromHere
for i in range(len(board)):
for j in range(len(board[0])):
srchResult = dfs(0, i, j)
if srchResult:
return True
return False
Time Complexity: O(MN) // Traverse the whole board at most
Space Complexity: O(Min( MN, len(word) )) // Worst case DFS the whole board!