
共有 1089 則文章

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Edit Distance

Description Edit Distance Given two strings word1 and word2, return the minimu...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- House Robber II

Description House Robber II You are a professional robber planning to rob hous...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- House Robber

Descriptoin House Robber You are a professional robber planning to rob houses...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Climbing Stairs

Description Climbing Stairs You are climbing a staircase. It takes n steps to...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Binary Search

Description 704. Binary Search Easy Topics Companies Given an array of integers...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Sort Colors

Description Sort Colors Given an array nums with n objects colored red, white,...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Merge Sorted Array

Description Merge Sorted Array You are given two integer arrays nums1 and nums...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

Description Pacific Atlantic Water Flow There is an m x n rectangular island t...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Word Ladder

Description Word Ladder A transformation sequence from word beginWord to word...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Course Schedule

Description Course Schedule There are a total of numCourses courses you have t...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Number of Islands

Description Number of Islands Given an m x n 2D binary grid grid which represe...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Clone Graph

Description Clone Graph Given a reference of a node in a connected undirected...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Symmetric Tree

Description Symmetric Tree Given the root of a binary tree, check whether it i...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Same Tree

Description Same Tree Given the roots of two binary trees p and q, write a fun...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Validate Binary Search Tree

Description Validate Binary Search Tree Given the root of a binary tree, deter...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

Description Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Given the root of a binary tree, retu...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Longest Happy String

Description Longest Happy String A string s is called happy if it satisfies th...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Group Anagrams

Description Group Anagrams Given an array of strings strs, group theanagrams t...

技術 【LeetCode with C: A Series of Problem-Solving Techniques】-- Top K Frequent Elements

Description Top K Frequent Elements Given an integer array nums and an integer...

技術 DAY 30:Basic Calculator II 沒在排隊的LIFO堆疊!

☆(≧∀≦*)ノ嗨,我是wec,今天是DAY 30,最後一天嚕! 🔎 題目難度與描述 難度:MEDIUM 題目描述: 給定一個字符串表示的數學表達式,包含非負整...

技術 DAY 29:Daily Temperatures 沒在排隊的LIFO堆疊!

ヾ(・∀・)ノ嗨,我是wec,今天是DAY 29。 🔎 題目難度與描述 難度:MEDIUM 題目描述: 給定一個整數數組temperatures,表示每天的溫度...

技術 DAY 28:Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 沒在排隊的LIFO堆疊!

(*・∀-)b嗨,我是wec,今天是DAY 28。 🔎 題目難度與描述 難度:MEDIUM 題目描述: 給定一個表示逆波蘭表示法的數字和運算符的列表,請計算並返...

技術 DAY 27:Restore IP Addresses 經一事長一智的回溯法!

。・∀・)ノ゛嗨,我是wec,今天是DAY 27。 🔎 題目難度與描述 難度:MEDIUM 題目描述: 給定一個只包含數字的字符串,請將其還原為所有可能的有效的...

技術 DAY 26:Permutations II 經一事長一智的回溯法!

(^-^)ゞ嗨,我是wec,今天是DAY 26。 🔎 題目難度與描述 難度:MEDIUM 題目描述: 給定一個可包含重複數字的整數數組nums,返回這些數字的所...