系列文章進入到第二個氣味類別。在完成第一個氣味分類:臃腫怪(Bloaters)的過程中,我就隱約發現一件之前一直沒有注意到的事情。就是這個「氣味對應重構」的框架系統,事實上可以說是針對「物件導向程式語言」而來,似乎難以對應到函數式程式語言(Functional Programming)。不僅是氣味上可以觀察出這種徵兆,如果目光放在重構手法上這個傾向會更加明顯。
Tool Abusers又可稱為「Object-Oriented Abusers」,可翻譯為「工具誤用」或是「物件導向濫用者」,從名稱就可以很直觀了解,這是基於違反了物件導向最佳實踐原則而導致的氣味。
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. — Abraham Maslow (如果你手上只有錘子,什麼問題看上去都像是釘子。)
「我們所寫的程式碼是我們創造最終產品的工具。(The code we write is a tool for producing future software)」這句話是由Roman Kofman 在 RubyConf 2019 上的演講所提出。物件導向或許是當代最具影響力的程式概念之一,數以萬計開發者每天依賴著物件導向寫出不同的程式碼運作在不同環境上,但卻不是每一行程式碼都能夠很好地遵循物件導向精神。
Tool Abusers, also known as "object-oriented abusers", are a type of code smell that only occurs in object-oriented programming (OOP) languages. This code smell refers to incorrect or incomplete implementation of Object-Oriented concepts or principles.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. — Abraham Maslow
This is a famous quote commonly known as the "law of the instrument" or Maslow's Hammer. We sometimes over-rely on a familiar or favorite tool in the wrong way. "The code we write is a tool for producing future software," said Roman Kofman at RubyConf 2019. OOP may be the most powerful concept in the programming world. Billions of developers work with OOP every day, but not every line of code follows OOP principles properly.
As you may know, some developers have been criticizing OOP for decades, blaming it for various development challenges and inefficiencies. While it is true that certain pitfalls can arise in OOP, some of the criticism might just be pointing to code smells. It's important to recognize that these criticisms often arise from misuses and code smell issues rather than inherent flaws in the paradigm itself.
In my point of view, OOP, when applied correctly with adherence to best practices, can lead to highly maintainable, scalable, and modular codebases. These are ideas that are available in object-oriented programming that you may misuse.
When you encounter complex "switch" statements or sequences of "if" statements in your code, it's a sign of this code smell.
When a class unnecessarily inherits code from its parents.
It appears that two different classes are performing similar responsibilities, but have different interfaces (method names, signatures, etc.).
Fields in the Class that are used only by one Method or only under certain circumstances.