

2023 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 14
Software Development

程式碼氣味到重構之路 Code Smells to Refactorings系列 第 14

Tool Abusers > Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces 異曲同工的類別

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扣除掉介面不同的部分,這個氣味其實與「重複的程式碼(Duplicated Code)」很接近,都具備有功能重複的要素。但Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces並不是著重於「重複」本身,相反的,這個氣味希望讓重複能更加「明顯」,改善相同目的卻不同實作的問題。比起「相同」與「重複」,更在意不同的部分。

Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction. — Sandi Metz

Sandi在RailsConf 2014的演講「All the liittle things」中提過「重複比錯誤的抽象成本更低」。當我們在進行重構時,為了避免過早抽象化而導致欠下更多技術債,有時我們會透過將程式碼「反抽象化」,利用大量的程式碼重複排列比較,來觀察出程式碼中隱含的意圖與商業邏輯關係。這樣重構的過程中雖然可能會反而讓程式碼變得更長,但是到達終點以後的果實是豐碩美好的。Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces這個氣味就屬於這樣的技巧,讓相似之物更相似,更容易觀察出脈絡。


  • 不一致性:當多個類別應該執行類似的功能但具有不同的界面時,可能會讓開發人員感到困惑,而困惑製造風險。不一致的命名、方法或參數結構會使專案程式碼變得更難理解和維護。
  • 減少可重用性:物件導向程式語言的主要優勢之一是通過繼承或界面重用程式碼。當具有相似目的的類別具有不同的界面時,很難將它們互換使用,降低了程式碼的可重用性。
  • 減少可讀性:不一致的界面使程式碼更難閱讀和理解。開發人員需要學習和記住完成相同任務的多種不同方式。
  • 重複的程式碼:具有不同界面的類別可能會重複相似的程式碼,即使它們具有相同的目的。這種冗余增加了錯誤和不一致性的風險。
  • 維護複雜性:對分散在不同類別中的相似功能進行更改成為維護的挑戰。每個更改都需要應用於多個類別,導致出錯的可能性增加。
  • 違反DRY原則:不要重複自己(DRY)原則鼓勵程式碼重用。當您有具有不同界面的替代類別時,實際上是在多個地方實現類似的邏輯,從而違反了這一原則。
  • 學習曲線增加:新加入專案的開發人員必須學習和了解不同的類別及其界面,這給他們的入職過程增加了不必要的複雜性。
  • 溝通低效:團隊成員在討論程式碼時,可能會引用不同的類別名稱或方法名稱來表示相同的概念,導致混淆和誤解。


  • Rename Method
  • Move Method
  • Unify Interfaces with Adapter

Rename Method 方法重新命名


Move Method 移動方法


Unify Interfaces with Adapter 將介面統一為轉接器模式

文章的上半部已經充分說明了不一致的介面會對類似的類別造成各種問題,因此我們可以考慮使用「轉接器設計模式(Adapter Design Pattern)」來整合介面。




在Refactoring Guru的網站中,還有提到另外三個技巧也可能可以對應這個氣味,分別是「Add Parameter」、「Parameterize Method」、「Extract Superclass」。在某些情境下我同意確實是可以改善介面不一致的問題,但總覺得這些也列進去,未免過於瑣碎(其實Move Method就已經太瑣碎了)。


Sign of Smell

"Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces" is a code smell that occurs when you have multiple classes in your codebase that serve similar purposes but have different method names, parameter lists, or interfaces. In other words, these classes should ideally share a common interface due to their conceptual similarities, but they don't.

Reason of Smell

  • Inconsistency: When multiple classes are supposed to perform similar functions but have different interfaces, it can create confusion for developers. Inconsistent naming, method signatures, or data structures make the codebase harder to understand and maintain.
  • Reduced Reusability: One of the primary advantages of object-oriented programming is the ability to reuse code through inheritance or interfaces. When classes with similar purposes have different interfaces, it becomes challenging to use them interchangeably, reducing code reusability.
  • Reduced Readability: Inconsistent interfaces make the code harder to read and understand. Developers need to learn and remember multiple ways of accomplishing the same task.
  • Code Duplication: Classes with different interfaces might end up duplicating similar code, even if they serve the same purpose. This redundancy increases the risk of bugs and inconsistencies.
  • Maintenance Complexity: Making changes to similar functionality spread across different classes becomes a maintenance challenge. Each change needs to be applied to multiple classes, leading to higher chances of errors.
  • Violation of DRY Principle: The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle encourages code reuse. When you have alternative classes with different interfaces, you're essentially repeating yourself by implementing similar logic in multiple places.
  • Increased Learning Curve: New developers joining the project have to learn and understand the different classes and their interfaces, which adds unnecessary complexity to their onboarding process.
  • Inefficient Communication: When team members communicate about the code, they might refer to different class names or method names for the same concept, leading to confusion and misunderstandings.

Refactoring Recipe

  • Unify Interfaces with Adapter
  • Rename Method
  • Move Method





Tool Abusers > Refused Bequest 被拒絕的遺產與如何重構
Tool Abusers > Temporary Field 臨時欄位與如何重構
程式碼氣味到重構之路 Code Smells to Refactorings37

