「冗余類別(Lazy Class)」也被稱為「遊手好閒者(Freeloader)」。當你在專案內發現存在一個無所事事的類別,幾乎沒有實作任何方法與職責,正是屬於這種程式碼氣味。
順帶一提,冗余類別是「大類別(Large Class)」的相反氣味,分別是類別太小與太大。
Lazy Class also knows as Freeloader. When you encounter a class that isn’t doing enough to earn your attention, it’s a sign of this smell.
Perhaps a class was initially designed to be fully functional, with all the necessary features and capabilities. However, after undergoing multiple rounds of refactoring and optimization, it has inadvertently become ridiculously small in size.
Alternatively, the class may have been initially designed with the intention of supporting future development work that was never implemented or completed. This could be due to various reasons such as shifting priorities, resource constraints, or changes in project requirements. Regardless, the class remains in its current state, waiting for the opportunity to fulfill its original purpose and contribute to future development efforts.
Lazy Class is the opposite code smell to Large Class.
Here are some reasons why Lazy Classes are considered a code smell:
If you find the Lazy Class smell in a subclass, we can consider merging it into the superclass.
The class currently has limited functionality and no specific responsibilities. It does not have any assigned tasks, and there are no plans to give it any additional responsibilities. Therefore, it is suggested to transfer all the features from this class to another class.
A Singleton is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. If you encounter a class with a code smell of Lazy Class and implement it as a singleton, you may consider transforming it into an inline singleton.
First, carefully review the methods and attributes of the Singleton instance in the Lazy Class to understand its functionality and how it is used by the consuming class. Next, copy the methods and attributes from the Singleton instance in the Lazy Class and paste them directly into the consuming class.
Once you have modified the consuming class to use the copied methods and attributes, you can safely delete the original Lazy Class.