介紹 _draw()
void _draw() virtual
Called when CanvasItem has been requested to redraw (after queue_redraw() is called, either manually or by the engine).
這個方法會在 `queue_redraw()` 方法呼叫時執行一次,如果想要有動態效果需要持續手動呼叫前述方法才會更新狀態。
介紹 draw_arc
void draw_arc(center: Vector2, radius: float, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, point_count: int, color: Color, width: float = -1.0, antialiased: bool = false)
Draws an unfilled arc between the given angles with a uniform color and width and optional antialiasing (supported only for positive width). The larger the value of point_count, the smoother the curve.
介紹 draw_circle
void draw_circle(position: Vector2, radius: float, color: Color)
Draws a colored, filled circle.
首先我們新增一個場景,並建立 Node2D
節點作為根節點,先儲存到 Scenes
因為 _draw()
是 CanvasItem
的方法,所以我們要建立繼承此類別的節點,這次使用 Node2D
@export var center: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
@export var radius: float = 100.0
@export var start_angle: float = 0
@export var end_angle: float = 2*PI
@export var point_count: int = 32
@export var color: Color = Color.AQUA
@export var width: float = 20
方法使用 draw_arc
並套用上一步宣告的變數作為參數:func _draw():
draw_arc(center, radius, start_angle, end_angle, point_count, color, width)
方法中持續呼叫 queue_redraw()
持續更新狀態。func _process(delta):
queue_redraw() # 調整完後可以刪除。
現在播放場景並調整參數值到想要的數值,調整完成後將剛剛第三點的 queue_redraw()
完成後現在在 _draw()
# 距離環中心半徑距離上方作為圓心繪製 1/3 半徑實心圓。
draw_circle(center - Vector2(0, radius), radius/3, Color.HONEYDEW)
extends Node2D
@export var center: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
@export var radius: float = 100.0
@export var start_angle: float = 0
@export var end_angle: float = 2*PI
@export var point_count: int = 32
@export var color: Color = Color.AQUA
@export var width: float = 20
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
func _draw():
draw_circle(center - Vector2(0, radius), radius/3, Color.HONEYDEW)
draw_arc(center, radius, start_angle, end_angle, point_count, color, width)