昨天懵懵懂懂的說明了 Rust 的所有權 move 概念,
今天要來看 borrow 啦!
假設有一間店叫做 shop1
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
今天 shop2 要開了,而且是全台旗艦店,不過因為太緊急沒有產品,需要跟 shop1 「借用」
在 Rust 中代表借用的意思
這邊代表的意思是, shop1 將他的產品借給 shop2 販售,
不過所有權還是在 shop1 上
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
let shop2 = &shop1;
println!("{:?}", shop1);
println!("{:?}", shop2);
但因為所有權仍然在 shop1 身上,就算今天 shop2 出了 scope
value 仍然還是在,除非 shop1 出了 scope
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
let shop2 = &shop1;
let ptr = shop1.as_ptr();
let ptr2 = shop2.as_ptr();
println!("shop1's value is pointed to {:?}", ptr);
println!("shop2's value is pointed to {:?}", ptr2)
> cargo run
shop1's value is pointed to 0x16b67a228
shop2's value is pointed to 0x16b67a228
再來我們將 shop2 包進一個 scope 中,並且借用 shop1 的值
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
let shop2 = &shop1;
println!("in scope, shop2 has {:?}", shop2);
> cargo run
in scope, shop2 has ["milk", "tea", "coffee"]
如果離開 scope 之後呢? shop1 的值還存在
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
let shop2 = &shop1;
println!("in scope, shop2 has {:?}", shop2);
println!("{:?}", shop1);
> cargo run
in scope, shop2 has ["milk", "tea", "coffee"]
["milk", "tea", "coffee"]
出了 scope , shop1 的值依然存在
fn main() {
let shop1 = ["milk", "tea", "coffee"];
let shop2 = &shop1;
let ptr2 = shop2.as_ptr();
println!("shop2's value is pointed to {:?}", ptr2)
let ptr = shop1.as_ptr();
println!("shop1's value is pointed to {:?}", ptr);
> cargo run
shop2's value is pointed to 0x16db26228
shop1's value is pointed to 0x16db26228