這邊從 openai 取回 response 後的操作有點有趣,我們來看一下。
如果 response 沒有拿到,或是 obj 內的 choices 是空的,就丟出 error。我們從 openai 官網可以看到。就是model 給的回應,有可能有多個選擇
if response is None or len(response["choices"]) == 0:
raise openai.APIError
A list of chat completion choices. Can be more than one if n is greater than 1.
"choices": [{
"index": 0,
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "\n\nHello there, how may I assist you today?",
"logprobs": null,
"finish_reason": "stop"
假設有回應,則將回應放入 resp 。再來則是 finish_reason,可能是 stop(剛好就回完了) 也可能是length(長度太長)。不知道他會不會根據 finish_reason 來做調整,我們繼續往下看
The reason the model stopped generating tokens. This will be stop if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence, length if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached, content_filter if content was omitted due to a flag from our content filters, tool_calls if the model called a tool, or function_call (deprecated) if the model called a function.
if response is None or len(response["choices"]) == 0:
raise openai.APIError
resp = response["choices"][0]['message']['content']
finish_reason = response["choices"][0]["finish_reason"]
get_logger().debug(f"\nAI response:\n{resp}")
# log the full response for debugging
response_log = self.prepare_logs(response, system, user, resp, finish_reason)
get_logger().debug("Full_response", artifact=response_log)
# for CLI debugging
if get_settings().config.verbosity_level >= 2:
get_logger().info(f"\nAI response:\n{resp}")
return resp, finish_reason
看樣子沒有 XD finish_reason 後面沒有被引用
async def _get_prediction(self, model: str) -> str:
Generate an AI prediction for the pull request review.
model: A string representing the AI model to be used for the prediction.
A string representing the AI prediction for the pull request review.
variables = copy.deepcopy(self.vars)
variables["diff"] = self.patches_diff # update diff
environment = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
system_prompt = environment.from_string(get_settings().pr_review_prompt.system).render(variables)
user_prompt = environment.from_string(get_settings().pr_review_prompt.user).render(variables)
response, finish_reason = await self.ai_handler.chat_completion(
return response
差不多 Trace 到結果了,我們開始回推回去,async def _get_prediction response, finish_reason = await self.ai_handler.chat_completion → _prepare_prediction self.prediction = await self._get_prediction(model) → PRReviewer run await retry_with_fallback_models(self._prepare_prediction) 到這邊我們可以設想 PRReviewer 的 self.prediction 有從 ai 拿到產出了,接下來應該就是 format 然後丟給 gitlab comment,我們來看 pr_review = self._prepare_pr_review()
await retry_with_fallback_models(self._prepare_prediction)
if not self.prediction:
return None
pr_review = self._prepare_pr_review()
可以看到他使用 load_yaml 來將我們剛剛的 prediction 拿出需要的資料,並指定需要的 key。後面提到的first_key
和 last_key
是在解析失敗時會使用 try_fix_yaml 將 yaml 可能跑出的錯誤格式做修改。感覺這段是各種踩雷精華累積
def _prepare_pr_review(self) -> str:
Prepare the PR review by processing the AI prediction and generating a markdown-formatted text that summarizes
the feedback.
first_key = 'review'
last_key = 'security_concerns'
data = load_yaml(self.prediction.strip(),
keys_fix_yaml=["estimated_effort_to_review_[1-5]:", "security_concerns:", "key_issues_to_review:",
"relevant_file:", "relevant_line:", "suggestion:"],
first_key=first_key, last_key=last_key)
github_action_output(data, 'review')