先前提到的 Bubble Sort / Insertion Sort / Selection Sort
其 Big O 皆為 O(n^2),當 dataset 很大的話,效率並不好
那麼,是否所有 sorting algorithm 的 Big O 都是 O(n^2) 呢?
今天來介紹 Merge sort
Merge Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively splits the dataset into smaller sub-arrays back together while sorting them, continuing this process until the entire dataset is merged and sorted.
Merge Sort 相較於先前介紹的幾種排序演算法步驟上更複雜一些,應用了 分而治之(divide and conquer) 的概念
主要分成三步驟 divide, conquer and combine
先將 dataset 遞迴分割到僅剩1個元素的子集合(僅有1個元素的 sub-set 可視為 sorted)
再將所有子集合排序,最後合併回完整的 dataset
灰色階段為 divide / 綠色為 sorted & merge
先取得 dataset 中央的索引值,將 dataset 分為左右個子集合
為每個子集合分別建立一個 pointer,比較兩者 pointer 的值,將較小的值加入到結果的 array 中,並將值較小的子集的 pointer 往前移動ㄧ位
合併兩個子集中的所有元素,將它們組合成最終的 sorted array 並回傳
Best case:O(n * log n)
Worst case:O(n * log n)
Merge sort need two function to complete the work.
The merge function working for merge two subsets; while the mergeSort function works for divide the dataset recursively.
let unsortedArr = [4, 8, 3, 6, 10, 5, 7, 1, 18, 12, 13, 9, 2, 11];
function mergeSort(arr){
if(arr.length <= 1){
return arr;
const middleIndex = Math.floor(arr.length/2);
const leftPart = arr.slice(0 ,middleIndex);
const rightPart = arr.slice(middleIndex);
return merge( mergeSort(leftPart), mergeSort(rightPart));
function merge(leftPart,rightPart){
let leftStart =0,rightStart =0;
const result=[];
while(leftStart< leftPart.length && rightStart < rightPart.length){
if(leftPart[leftStart] < rightPart[rightStart] ){
result.push(rightPart[rightStart] );
return result.concat(leftPart.slice(leftStart)).concat(rightPart.slice(rightStart));
console.log(mergeSort(unsortedArr)); // ) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18]
Efficiently sort a list in O(n*log(n)) time, no matter worse case or best case
最好情況跟最壞情況,其Big O皆為 O(n*log(n))
For small datasets, merge sort is slower than other sorting algorithms
For the temporary array, merge sort requires additional space of O(n)
Even if the array is sorted, the merge sort still goes through the entire process.
對於處理小的 dataset , Merge sort 所需的時間比其他排序演算法來的久
Merge sort 需要額外 O(n) 的空間來存取
即使 dataset 已被排序好,Merge sort 仍會執行整個分割與合併的過程
Merge Sort Explained
merge sort