終於來到最後一個 comparison sort algorithm,Quick Sort
Partition is not a standalone sorting algorithm; rather, it divides the array into two subarrays.
The pivot element is placed in its correct position, ensuring that element on one side are smaller and others are larger, but only the pivot is guaranteed to be in the right order at each step.
Partition 本身並不是排序演算法,它的主要作用是將單一的 array 分割成兩個 subarray
從 array 中隨機選一個 element ,稱該 element 為 pivot(選 pivot 有不同種方式,例如:選首項、選末項、選中間項),將小於 pivot 的項目置於左側,大於 pivot 的項目置於右側,最後將 pivot 放在正確的位置
O(n logn)
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quick sort algorithm