Exchange 2003調整設定值之後通常要等待AD同步之後才會生效,如果要加快同步的速度你可以用AD管理工具站台及服務,強迫整個Site的domain controller同步。
Go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > and open the “Active Directory Sites and Services” MMC.
Expand the “Sites” container in the left pane by clicking the plus (+) to the left of it.
Expand the container that represents the name of the site containing the server that needs to be synchronized.
Expand the “Servers” container and then expand the target server to display the NTDS settings object.
Click the “NTDS Settings” option. In the right pane should now be a list of the target server’s replication partners.
Right click a connection object in the right pane and click “Replicate Now”.