Asus Server 面板上 有 Location 按鈕 跟 指示燈.
請問作用是什麼 ? 指示燈代表的意義是什麼 ?
主要作用為當系統發生問題時,可以按下Location按鈕後,來識別此主機在機架中的位置. (前後都有, 可在前面按, 在後面除錯)
Location LED
This LED lights up steady BLUE when the location switch is pressed. Both
the front and rear panels have location switch and LED. To turn OFF the
LED, press the location switch again or use the ASWM software.
The location switch and LED are for service purposes. When the system
fails or is shut down, the server administrator can press either the front or the rear location switch to identify the location of the specific 1U system in a rack cabinet.