選當月的資料應該不算太糟, 總額的話我會如此用:
create table pojen_table (
id integer,
ym datetime,
qty integer)
insert into pojen_Table values(1,getdate(),3)
insert into pojen_table values(2,getdate(),5)
insert into pojen_table values(3,dateadd(dd,-50,getdate()),3)
insert into pojen_table values(4,dateadd(yy,-2,getdate()),5)
select * from pojen_table
declare @emydate datetime
set @emydate = convert(datetime,'05/11/2010',101);
declare @3yearsago datetime
select @3yearsago= DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, DATEADD(YEAR,-3,@emydate)), 0) ;
select @3yearsago,@emydate;
with t as(
select datepart(year,ym) ecumyear ,datepart(year,ym)*100+datepart(month,ym) ecurrentyear, sum(qty) eqty
from pojen_table
where ym between @3yearsago AND @emydate
group by datepart(year,ym),datepart(year,ym)*100+datepart(month,ym) with rollup
select *
from t
where (ecumyear = datepart(year,@emydate) and ecurrentyear = (datepart(year,@emydate)*100+datepart(month,@emydate)))
OR (ecumyear = datepart(year,@emydate) and ecurrentyear is null)
or (ecumyear is null)
drop table pojen_table
然後可以用 union 粘上當月日期與 id
您可以將個別區間的查詢寫作成三個 view 或三個 query, 然後針對 id 做 join
<pre class="c" name="code">select p.id,p.qty,p.qty_year,p.qty_3year from ((
select id,sum(qty) as qty where id=your_parts and ym='201005') a inner join (
select id,sum(qty) as qty_year where id=your_parts and ym between '201001' and '201005') b on a.id=b.id inner join (
select id,sum(qty) as qty_3year where id=your_parts and ym between '200701' and '201005') c on a.id=c.id) p
也可以透過 subquery 的方式,取得需要的sum, 但資料量大時,這種作法的效能會較不好
<pre class="c" name="code">select p.id,sum(qty) as qty,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '201001' and '201005') as qty_year,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '200701' and '201005') as qty_year,
from abc p
where p.id=your_parts and ym='201005'
可以藉由 excuteion plan 看一下執行的效能,比較一下
把 id=your_part 的條件拿掉就是所有出貨項目的數量統計了
sorry 少了 group by
<pre class="c" name="code">select p.id,sum(qty) as qty,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '201001' and '201005') as qty_year,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '200701' and '201005') as qty_year,
from abc p
where ym='201005'
group by id
這是比較舊的 sql 寫法,sql 2008 好像有支援比較簡便的作法
<pre class="c" name="code">select p.id,sum(qty) as qty,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '201001' and '201005') as qty_year,
(select sum(qty) from abc where id=p.id and ym between '200701' and '201005') as qty_3year,
from abc p
where ym='201005'
group by p.id
應可使用SQL Join
SQL join分 Left Join / Right Join / Inner Join
你可用Inner Join多table作where查詢