公司的mail server在他們那 目前台灣收發信正常 但大陸全掛? 1and1.com的官網也是掛掉的狀態...?
已邀請的邦友 {{ invite_list.length }}/5
沒有掛掉喔~ 只有台灣進不去~ 美國進得去.
現在可以收信了,但是官網還是進不去 我用美國那邊的電腦連也連不上
找到消息了 謝謝
Limited access to some 1&1 Services
Dear Customer, Due to a DDoS attack the access to our homepage as well as the control panel and webmail service may temporarily be limited.
We will update the status page with any additional info as it becomes available.