不只單單看 Log, 微軟官方有 AD 維運白皮書可以參考:
AD DS Operations
上面的文件中指出, 日常維運項目需要了解的知識包含:
- AD Forest Recvery Guide
- Best Practices for Securing AD
- AD Replication and Topology
- Management Using Windows Powershell
- Managing RID issues
- AD DS Component updates
- Understand AD account
- Understand AD Seucirty groups
- Understand Service accounts
- Understand Microsoft accounts
- Understand Security Principals
- Understand Security accounts
- How to configure protected acccount
- How LDAP server cookies are handled
你去看 log 內容之前, 若沒有具備上面這些知識, 連 log 在講甚麼都看不懂...
單純就 log 種類來說, 以下這些 Event ID 都應該被監視, 並解決其問題, 可以先練習看看, 能看得懂幾個? 並且有能力解決幾個? (Potential Criticality=High 的要立即解掉, medium 的一周內要能解掉, low 的 30 天內解掉)
Events to Monitor