ps 我也能說中文,所以留言寫中文我也基本看得懂
問題:我有現成的mySQL Database 跟建成的網站了,要如何連動兩方(我查是可借由python django), 達到我在mySQL Database 輸入或更新資料,能同時同步到wesite上
就不用mySQL Database 寫一次,html 再更新一次
Main problem: I have existing mySQL Database and website, how do I connect/synchronize both, that input or update from mySQL, can also result in website too
I did learn HTML, CSS but was required to find the way, instead input from <p> </p>
, need to find a way CRUD from mySQL, and result to website
after a day of research, python django
seems has the possiblity solve my problem, but all the tutorial is buttom up create an new website and new mySQL, I'm stock on connecting existing one (that the "mySQL Database" and "website")
, that how far I reach , therefore want to ask the export in here, thanks
environment: I'm using python, window and mySQL
the existing mySQL Database screenshot (MySQL Database, and using HeidiSQL )
the specific example:
if I update/change the context Nordic
as Nike
from mySQL, by success connect both, the website part the Nike can replace Nordic as new topic
其實有很多網頁應用都能做到。你說的 Python 只是其中一種。
其餘像是 PHP .net java nodejs .......
這些對應的 WEB應用 。都能辦到你說的事。