在使用ant chart的FlowAnalysisGraph這個結構關係圖表的時候遇到ts報錯。
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FlowAnalysisGraph } from '@ant-design/graphs';
const DemoFlowAnalysisGraph = () => {
const data = {
nodes: [
id: '-3',
value: {
title: '来源页面A',
items: [
text: '曝光PV',
value: '10.30万',
icon: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/iFh9X011qd/7797962c-04b6-4d67-9143-e9d05f9778bf.png',
id: '-2',
value: {
title: '来源页面B',
items: [
text: '点击UV',
value: '10.30万',
icon: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/iFh9X011qd/7797962c-04b6-4d67-9143-e9d05f9778bf.png',
id: '-1',
value: {
title: '来源页面C',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '0',
value: {
title: '活动页面',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '1',
value: {
title: '去向页面A',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '2',
value: {
title: '去向页面B',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '3',
value: {
title: '去向页面C',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '4',
value: {
title: '去向页面D',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '5',
value: {
title: '去向页面E',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '6',
value: {
title: '去向页面F',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '6',
value: {
title: '去向页面F',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '7',
value: {
title: '去向页面G',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
id: '8',
value: {
title: '去向页面H',
items: [
text: '访问页面UV',
edges: [
source: '-3',
target: '0',
value: '来源A',
source: '-2',
target: '0',
value: '来源B',
source: '-1',
target: '0',
value: '来源C',
source: '0',
target: '1',
source: '0',
target: '2',
source: '0',
target: '3',
source: '0',
target: '4',
source: '0',
target: '5',
source: '2',
target: '6',
source: '3',
target: '7',
source: '4',
target: '8',
const config = {
layout: {
rankdir: 'TB',
ranksepFunc: () => 20,
nodeCfg: {
anchorPoints: [
[0.5, 0],
[0.5, 1],
edgeCfg: {
type: 'polyline',
endArrow: true,
markerCfg: (cfg) => {
return {
position: 'bottom',
show: data.edges.filter((item) => item.source === cfg.id)?.length,
behaviors: ['drag-canvas', 'zoom-canvas', 'drag-node'],
return <FlowAnalysisGraph {...config} />; // 這一行報錯
ReactDOM.render(<DemoFlowAnalysisGraph />, document.getElementById('container'));
我在React+TypeScript中使用,但是在return <FlowAnalysisGraph {...config} />;這行程式碼,ts報了以下錯誤:
(alias) const FlowAnalysisGraph: React.FC
import FlowAnalysisGraph
Type '{ data: { nodes: ({ id: string; value: { title: string; items: { text: string; value: string; icon: string; }[]; }; } | { id: string; value: { title: string; items: { text: string; }[]; }; })[]; edges: ({ source: string; target: string; value: string; } | { ...; })[]; }; ... 4 more ...; behaviors: string[]; }' is not assignable to type 'FlowAnalysisGraphConfig'.
Types of property 'layout' are incompatible.
Type '{ rankdir: string; ranksepFunc: () => number; }' is missing the following properties from type 'DagreLayout': align, begin, nodeSize, nodesepFunc, and 22 more.ts(2322)
/** Direction for rank nodes. Can be TB, BT, LR, or RL, where T = top, B = bottom, L = left, and R = right. /
rankdir: 'LR',
/* Layout center. /
center: [0, 0],
/* Number of pixels that separate nodes vertically in the layout. /
nodesepFunc: () => 1,
/* Number of pixels that separate nodes horizontally in the layout. */
ranksepFunc: () => 1,
我安裝的ant chart版本跟官方網站的版本是一樣的,都是1.4.2