這篇介紹 Rows and Range。
Rows and Range:允許更改分區中的開始位置和結束位置。
1.並非所有function 都支援 rows and range
2.使用 rows and range必須指定 order by
3.有指定 order by但未使用rows and range,
則預設為 range between undounded preceding and current rows。
select c1,c2,sum(c2) over (order by c1 range unbounded preceding) as '累加D量1',
sum(c2) over (order by c1 range between unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) as '累加量2',
sum(c2) over (order by c1 rows between current row and 1 following ) as '累加量3',
sum(c2) over (order by c1 rows 1 preceding ) as '累加量4',
sum(c2) over (order by c1 rows between 1 preceding and 3 following ) as '累加量5'
from dbo.mysales
假設今天我們有計算累加值 需求(如下圖)。
這裡我將測試 Denali 和 SQL2005/SQL2008 兩種寫法上的效能差異。
Denali 寫法
declare @starttime time(7),@endtime time(7),@elaspedtime numeric(20,7);
set @starttime=GETDATE() ;
--range unbounded preceding
select c1,c2, sum(c2) over (order by c1 range unbounded preceding) as '累加量'
from dbo.mysales
set @endtime=GETDATE();
set @elaspedtime = convert(integer, datediff(ms, @starttime, @endtime));
select @elaspedtime as '花費時間(ms)'
SQL2005/2008 寫法
declare @result table(c1 varchar(10),c2 int,total int default(0))
declare @starttime time(7),@endtime time(7),@elaspedtime numeric(20,7);
set @starttime=GETDATE() ;
insert into @result select *,0 from dbo.mysales
declare @total int
set @total=0
update @result
set @total = total = @total + c2
select t1.c1,t1.c2,t1.total as '累加量'
from @result t1
set @endtime=GETDATE();
set @elaspedtime = convert(integer, datediff(ms, @starttime, @endtime));
select @elaspedtime as '花費時間(ms)'
select c1,c2, sum(c2) over (order by c1 range unbounded preceding) as '累加量'
from dbo.mysales
declare @result table(c1 varchar(10),c2 int,total int default(0))
insert into @result select *,0 from dbo.mysales
declare @total int
set @total=0
update @result
set @total = total = @total + c2
select t1.c1,t1.c2,t1.total as '累加量'
from @result t1
針對計算累加值需求, Denali 寫法很明顯優於SQL2005/2008 ,
當然Rows and Range 應用不只這些,其餘應用大家有興趣可自行玩玩看。
MS SQL Server新特性探險:探險代碼 Denali 全系列文章