今天介紹的是 Event Status。
這個取得資料的方式,除了之前提到的擴充 Event 可以得到 Event 結果以外,就是系統的 information_schema.EVENTS
這些都能從 information_schema.EVENTS
拿 (event_schema
, event_name
, last_executed
Event 種類有 ENABLE
(Replication 時從 Master 傳來的 Event,不會在 Slave 執行),根據實際情形作標示。
CASE status
WHEN 'ENABLED' THEN '<div class="Healthy">Yes</div>'
WHEN 'SLAVESIDE_DISABLED' THEN '<div class="Healthy">No</div>'
ELSE '<div class="Warning">No</div>'
根據 master.event
與 information_schema.EVENTS
來 count,沒有 errno
CASE (select count(*) from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME and errno is null and start >= subdate(now(), @NumDays))
WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT('<div class="Warning">', (select count(*) from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME and errno is null and start >= subdate(now(), @NumDays)), '</div>')
ELSE (select count(*) from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME and errno is null and start >= subdate(now(), @NumDays))
根據 master.event
與 information_schema.EVENTS
來 count,有 errno
CASE (select count(*) from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME and errno is not null and start >= subdate(now(), @NumDays))
WHEN 0 THEN '<div class="Healthy">0</div>'
ELSE CONCAT('<div class="Critical">', (select count(*) from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME and errno is not null and start >= subdate(now(), @NumDays)),'</div>')
根據 master.event
可以用算的,但是算的動作不能直接傳入 column 裡頭的值 (select date_add(colA, interval interval_value interval_field)...
),所以寫成醜醜的 CASE
case interval_field
when "YEAR" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value YEAR)
when "QUARTER" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value QUARTER)
when "MONTH" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value MONTH)
when "DAY" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value DAY)
when "HOUR" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value HOUR)
when "MINUTE" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value MINUTE)
when "WEEK" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value WEEK)
when "SECOND" then date_add(last_executed, interval interval_value SECOND)
(這個 interval 不是全部,筆者只有寫常用的)
根據 master.event
與 information_schema.EVENTS
(select CASE
WHEN errno is null THEN CONCAT('<span class="Healthy">', message_text, '</span>')
ELSE CONCAT('<span class="Critical">', message_text, '</span>')
from master.event_history where db = ev.EVENT_SCHEMA and name = ev.EVENT_NAME order by start limit 1),