五門課全都上完了。正式拿到Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform學程的證書。後面課程...頗有難度,在回去看最後一門Art and Science of Machine Learning我幾乎沒做上什麼筆記...。實際使用Tensorflow的部份也暫時還存在一些困惑。所以...我就繼續來整理筆記吧....
一樣,紀錄一些我覺得值得記憶的話,今天主要來整理 Feature Engineering 課程的。
As we said before, if you can't do basic analysis in your data, you can't do machine learning.
- Have enough examples in the data
- Related to the objective
- Knowable at prediction time
- Be numeric with meaningful magnitude
think of the timing nature for a lot of these things and what other systems could be involved.
So, if you go into your data warehouse for training, you can't use all the values for a customer's credit card history, because not all those values are going to be available at the same time.