
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 11

Women in IT field系列 第 11

Books to recommend

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No matter what kind of languages you choose to write with, the first concept that you need to have is about code structure. There are a lot of books that you could read with. Those books are only given to you as a guideline. The longer you are in the IT field; the longer you will change and find your own way to make the structure better.

However, I will recommend reading "Clean Code", "Clean Coder", "Clean Architecture", "Clean Agile", "Refactoring", and "Cracking the Code Interview" for people just joining the IT field in coding.

Years ago, I had been leading a study group to read "Clean Code" and by past experience, I had come out a chapter list as below:
ch1, ch2, ch10, ch11, ch4, ch5, ch3, ch9, ch7, ch8, ch6, ch15, ch12, ch14, ch13, ch16. In this way, many people could follow us and complete the book. Few others who were not able to join were asking if we could lead the study group again on "Clean Code". However, we need funding in order to have space to host events like this. This book contains all the basics to write code clear as to how to name, how to form the basic structure, how to write a comment line, how to do the unit test, and how to continue enhancement. During that time I am glad to have a group of people and friends willing to support and lead the study group with me.

"Clean Coder" is more about how to be a professional worker. It contains how to say no, how to do time management, how to communicate with others, how to be a mentor, and how to write code like a professional. No matter if you are an engineer or any type of position in the IT field, I will suggest reading this book.

“Clean Architecture” is about the basic rules to structure a program or a system. The important parts are Independent of the frameworks, Testable and reusable, Independent of designed UI, Independent of Database tables, and Independent of any 3rd party libraries.

"Cracking the Code Interview" is more like a summary of computer science logic. It is hard if you are not in the computer science major. It is fun and reminded of the importance of basic logic if you are majoring in computer science.

Keep curiosity and learning habits
Which is better reframe / recreate the system?
Women in IT field30
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