
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 26

Women in IT field系列 第 26

The Games We are in

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The game in the company or system is more like the pop soap programs that we saw on the TVs which are full of dramas and politics.

While I was an engineer, I only focused on technical and to be honored about things. However, with times of failure and times of being set up by others, I realized that even though we are honorable people and did not want to play the games, as long as you live in society, you are within different kinds of games. It does not matter if you are willing or not and there are people who might use you or set you up all the time. The games about human, society, countries, living creatures, families, companies, and schools are all having different kinds of rules, levels, or roles to play with. You have to observe and know-how the rules, levels, or roles play within the games, what and when the games are over, and how you could win the games. Even the same game that you play many times, with different teammates and environments the resolves might be different.

To play the games, you have to know humanity as well. However, to know humanity, you have to know psychology. Humanity is the fastest-changing animal and hard to predict. All of the predictions about humanity is based on analysis and percentages. Sometimes, all the games are like stages or theaters. What you want to show and how you want to build up with which are all dependent on you. Therefore, sometimes I heard a few friends say that they even do not know who they really are on which stages. They wear different kinds of masks on different stages.

I thought that I was different with those friends. Later I found out that if I do not want to win yet only survive in the games, I still have to be like them. How many games are you in? How many stages are you playing right now?

Problem Solver or Problem Maker
IT processes
Women in IT field30
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