
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 14
AI & Data

花甲老頭學 AI系列 第 14

[鐵人12:Day 14] GPT-3 (1):AI 的大躍進!

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2020 年 6 月,OpenAI 發表 GPT-3,在 AI 界掀起一陣波濤,有人認為這是「通用人工智慧 (AGI; Artificial General Intelligence)」發展的重要里程碑,是 AI 技術的一次大躍進。也有人持相反的看法,認為 GPT-3 只不過是一個擁有巨大記憶及模仿能力的鸚鵡而已。往後幾天,老頭分別摘錄正反意見的幾篇文章,並穿插一些老頭自己的看法。希望藉由正反意見的並陳,能夠幫助 AI 人由更宏觀的角度來看待 GPT-3。

持正面看法的第一篇文章,是今年 8 月 13 日在 Vox 上發表的,標題為「This new language AI is uncanny, funny — and a big deal 」,副標下的是「Computers are getting closer to passing the Turing Test.」(註一)。作者在試用了 GPT-3 幾天之後寫下這篇文章,她認為 GPT-3 堪稱 AI 的大躍進!人工智慧系統越來越接近通過「圖靈測試」(註二)的水準了。

It has its shortcomings, but make no mistake: GPT-3 represents a tremendous leap for AI.

在文章中,作者開了一個玩笑,她引用了一個看似對 GPT-3 相當負面的評論:

AI 欠缺意識和自覺,它們不具備幽默感,不會欣賞藝術、美、及愛,它們不會感到孤單,沒有同理心,也不懂得沈浸於音樂,不會墜入情網,更不會為了小事哭泣!

Artificial intelligence programs lack consciousness and self-awareness. They will never be able to have a sense of humor. They will never be able to appreciate art, or beauty, or love. They will never feel lonely. They will never have empathy for other people, for animals, for the environment. They will never enjoy music or fall in love, or cry at the drop of a hat.

然後告訴大家這段話是一個研究人員用 GPT-3 產生出來的!他輸入一些對 AI 能力懷疑的詞做為提示,GPT-3 隨即產生上面這一段完整的論述。

作者在文章中舉出其他的 GPT-3 的使用例子,模仿蘇斯博士(美國著名的作家及漫畫家,以兒童繪本最出名。 維基百科)寫一首關於(特斯拉創辦人)馬斯克的詩(保持原汁原味,老頭就不翻了):

But then, in his haste,
he got into a fight.
He had some emails that he sent
that weren’t quite polite.

The SEC said, “Musk,
your tweets are a blight.

還有一封拒絕印弟安那瓊斯 (導演喬治·盧卡斯的冒險電影《印第安納瓊斯系列》的虛構人物) 終身教職的信(也不翻了):

It is impossible to review the specifics of your tenure file without becoming enraptured by the vivid accounts of your life. However, it is not a life that will be appropriate for a member of the faculty at Indiana University, and it is with deep regret that I must deny your application for tenure. ... Your lack of diplomacy, your flagrant disregard for the feelings of others, your consistent need to inject yourself into scenarios which are clearly outside the scope of your scholarly expertise, and, frankly, the fact that you often take the side of the oppressor, leads us to the conclusion that you have used your tenure here to gain a personal advantage and have failed to adhere to the ideals of this institution.


正如老頭在「簡單即是美」這篇發文中介紹的概念,「充份利用算力的通用的演算法,是解決 AI 問題最有效的途徑」,作者(以及其所引用的論述)也是抱持著這樣的看法,相較於它的前代 GPT-2,GPT-3 並沒有導入什麼新的技術,它只是將模型放大,以更多的網路資料去訓練它,更充分地去運用運算資源。看似簡單直接,但是效果卻相當顯著。作者認為 GPT-2 的表現已經相當不錯了 (pretty good),但是還算不上擁有「智慧」,而 GPT-3 的表現好多了,聰明多了 (a lot smarter) !以此類推,在未來的某一時刻,隨著硬體的算力日益進步,GPT-X 勢必會表現出邏輯推理,甚至於「思考」的行為。


這是事實,GPT-3 目前仍有許多使用上的限制。但是它之所以重要,並不在於它目前的實用性,而是它讓我們更清楚的知道,藉由更多的資料及更多的計算時間,即便使相同的模型,我們也可以得到令人驚豔的結果!你投入更多,GPT 就給你更多的回饋。

All of that is true. GPT-3 is limited. But what makes it so important is less its capabilities and more the evidence it offers that just pouring more data and more computing time into the same approach gets you astonishing results. With the GPT architecture, the more you spend, the more you get.



[鐵人12:Day 13] EfficientNet 5:驗證及測試
[鐵人12:Day 15] GPT-3 (2):試一下 GPT
花甲老頭學 AI30
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