They don't know where to start. To help new players out, you decided to write a small program that will guide them through the process.
Implement the RPG.CharacterSheet.welcome/0 function. It should print a welcome message, and return :ok.
Implement the RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_name/0 function. It should print a question, wait for an answer, and return the answer without leading and trailing whitespace.
Implement the RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_class/0 function. It should print a question, wait for an answer, and return the answer without leading and trailing whitespace.
Implement the RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_level/0 function. It should print a question, wait for an answer, and return the answer as an integer.
Implement the function. It should welcome the new player, ask for the character's name, class, and level, and return the character sheet as a map. It should also print the map with the label "Your character".
defmodule RPG.CharacterSheet do
@moduledoc """
IO related
@doc """
practice with IO module
@spec welcome() :: :ok
def welcome(), do: IO.puts("Welcome! Let's fill out your character sheet together.")
@doc """
IO.gets practice
@spec ask_name() :: IO.chardata()
def ask_name(), do: IO.gets("What is your character's name?\n") |> String.trim()
@spec ask_class() :: IO.chardata()
def ask_class(), do: IO.gets("What is your character's class?\n") |> String.trim()
def ask_level(),
do: IO.gets("What is your character's level?\n") |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer()
@spec run() :: IO.chardata()
def run() do
name = ask_name()
class = ask_class()
level = ask_level()
IO.inspect(%{class: class, level: level, name: name}, label: "Your character")